A Master From Germany
I would rarely intimate my political views here [ Legitimist Royalist ( Jacobite ) if you insist on asking ], but occasionally a terrible event happens.
Mr. Julian Assange, editor of Wikileaks, has been sent over by his hosts of seven years, over to his enemies --- the enemies of mankind --- in an act of base crawling surrender.
Anyone is invited, even just a few, to email the depraved Ecuadorian Embassy in London, denouncing their truckling betrayal as have I.
I am disgusted and revolted at your foul betrayal of Mr. Julian Assange, and perfidious sending of him to the American oppressor. Worthy of Stalin sending Jewish communists over to Nazi Germany, Ecuador is now reviled as a Judas-Nation: a people with no honour.
Neither I nor mine shall ever visit Ecuador, nor purchase anything from such a wicked nation.
I am
yours faithfully
Of course, the Americans have an amazing knack for turning their enemies into martyrs, from the unsavoury dictators doubling as assets, Noriega blasted out of his palace by rock music as US helicopters piloted by ladies sank slowly into the mud; or Saddam Hussein, Eco Homo , once photographed after capture from his spider-hole; to the tedious old fool Osama bin Laden whose death after the Thug's mafioso hit was celebrated by the People baying and hooting outside the American Palace.
The photographs of the bearded journalist --- over whom the American Imperium has no jurisdiction, being AUSTRALIAN --- being driven away offer no comfort; but if they try him the Americans may wish they had followed the counsel of Hillary Clinton [ Libya, Iraq, Syria ] and murdered him directly when in the Embassy.
Mr. Julian Assange, editor of Wikileaks, has been sent over by his hosts of seven years, over to his enemies --- the enemies of mankind --- in an act of base crawling surrender.
Anyone is invited, even just a few, to email the depraved Ecuadorian Embassy in London, denouncing their truckling betrayal as have I.
I am disgusted and revolted at your foul betrayal of Mr. Julian Assange, and perfidious sending of him to the American oppressor. Worthy of Stalin sending Jewish communists over to Nazi Germany, Ecuador is now reviled as a Judas-Nation: a people with no honour.
Neither I nor mine shall ever visit Ecuador, nor purchase anything from such a wicked nation.
I am
yours faithfully
Of course, the Americans have an amazing knack for turning their enemies into martyrs, from the unsavoury dictators doubling as assets, Noriega blasted out of his palace by rock music as US helicopters piloted by ladies sank slowly into the mud; or Saddam Hussein, Eco Homo , once photographed after capture from his spider-hole; to the tedious old fool Osama bin Laden whose death after the Thug's mafioso hit was celebrated by the People baying and hooting outside the American Palace.
The photographs of the bearded journalist --- over whom the American Imperium has no jurisdiction, being AUSTRALIAN --- being driven away offer no comfort; but if they try him the Americans may wish they had followed the counsel of Hillary Clinton [ Libya, Iraq, Syria ] and murdered him directly when in the Embassy.