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That Voice in Your Head...


Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Oct 16, 2008
When we think (at least when I think, anyway..) we think in our voice, or some voice, or pictures, or something, or both.

Mostly, what I am trying to get at here, is:

1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?

10.) ??? ...feel free to think up more questions


Luftschloss Schöpfer
Local time
Today 11:05 AM
Sep 26, 2008
Ahh! :eek:
Too many questions!

But an interesting topic. I'll try to answer it as one entire answer instead of numbers.

I do not think in words, I think in something too abstract for me to describe, but then I translate that into words as accurately as my limited vocabulary is able to.
Whenever I initially think of something, it's as if my thoughts form too fast to put words to them. Then there's like a 1-2 second lag period before words attach to them. In that time, my mind will associate the most adequate words to describe my though process (but of course, it's not 100% accurate) and give them a shape.

When they're done translating into words, the words will play out in my head in the faintest of whispers.

As to other voices. I host several different personas in my mind, each having a different point of view and "voice". When deciding on something of importance, I shuffle back and forth between each voice as if having a conversation with them all.

And I am bilingual. I think in both. I think in Spanish when I'm speaking Spanish, and think in English when I'm speaking English. However, I'd have to say my default is English because of my extended use of it - even though Spanish was my first language.


Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Oct 16, 2008
I have noticed in my own thought process that I am always thinking about multiple things at once, one is in words, the other is vauge impressions with words loosely attached, and the rest are inummerable...I know they're there, but their nature is to be abstract and unquantified.

I guess this is how our brains keep track of our external environment, what we're doing right now, our plans for the future, storing memories, making decisions all at the same time.

To Auburn: Do you think differently depending on which language you are thinking in? I think that it might be so, as when you learned spanish, you would have been younger, and therefore you might use words you used when you were younger more when thinking in Spanish...

...there has been an experiment in which children of a young age are shown a "Magic Shrinking Machine" by scientists (the machine appears to shrink the objects that the scientist puts into it, but really just contains mini-models of the originals). The children also take a vocabulary test. Years later, they again take a vocabulary test (and their vocabularies have increased) and are also asked to recall the experience of seeing the Shrinking Machine. They reply using words from the vocabulary level they had when they had the experience.
This suggests that memories are recalled using the same "format" (to use a computer analogy) as they were saved in. I think that this can be connected in some form of hypothesis to language and thought processes.


is a ze
Local time
Today 1:05 PM
Jul 9, 2008
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

Mostly voice -I have an inner monologue-, but that's just for every day commentary. For the next level of thought there are just a few words and a few flashes of light or geometrical shapes. For the real level there's only abstraction.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

Maybe? When I was a kid I remember whispering a little then falling silent.

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?

It only works as running commentary. It's good for description "that tree used to look so far away, but with that fence next to it it gained a new sharpness..."
It's also good for feelings assessment: "wait, how do I feel about that... no, funny isn't a feeling... oh."

For problem solving the voice stands back and only says "aha!" or "there" while the rest of my mind is working.

And yeah, it laughs and it screams.

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above

Personality/persona and a few facts. Names and faces blur.

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

My head. I can picture the inside of my head as dark and hollow, with a voice echoing inside. I can make myself think of it coming from behind me, like a "ghost" by my shoulder.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?

Rarely. When a part of me is annoyed I hear a whining voice, and then another calm reasonable voice trying to smooth things over. It's like two characters.

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

Only as an exercise to get myself to sleep. I used to make myself "write" the same word again and again.

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.

Yep. See the 1st question.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?

I think in all my languages. I may pick English if I'm going to speak/write in English, or Spanish if I'm going to speak in Spanish, but sometimes it varies depending on the specific topic, my mood or nothing at all. So I can go through the day speaking in Spanish and thinking in English, or speaking in Spanish and thinking in a mix of English, Spanish and French.

In my experience, learning to think in a new language breaks the balance for a while. It takes a conscious effort to get it started, but ends up being unconscious.

When I was learning to think in French I couldn't easily switch to English. And if a word in English intruded into my French or viceversa, my thoughts came to a halt.

But now that I'm better at it, it's as if I had gained a new speed for inner monologue. It's as if my mind picked the "easiest, fastest" way of saying it all. It employs the more synthetic term no matter what language it may be in.

This brings new difficulty to the question "what are you thinking?" I can never tell them exactly what, lest I'm thought of as pedantic, etc. :rolleyes:

Of course, sometimes I get sick of this trilingual babble and shut the voice up, so I can enjoy silent abstract thought.

10.) What was all this for? Just curiosity? And how do YOU think, Cinna?

Edit: ah, you've answered.


Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Oct 16, 2008
Yes, curiousity. I was trying to discuss this with my family because I was thinking about it and they sort of did the, "be quiet and go do your homework" routine on me.

I usually spend good sections of time thinking about thinking and then just ending up laughing in my head about it...which makes me consider how I can laugh in my head in a tone that I cannot reproduce out loud (I've tried) and connects to something else, which connects to something else, and so on. Does anyone else experience a large amount of "connective" thinking?


Luftschloss Schöpfer
Local time
Today 11:05 AM
Sep 26, 2008
Do you think differently depending on which language you are thinking in?
Hmm... No....
Upon more reflecting, maybe my thoughts don't have a language. I don't think in languages, but instead my thoughts have no language, and are translated to languages depending on which language I need at the moment.

So when I think, it's always the same basic thoughts no matter which language I'm engaged in. They're the same thoughts, but solidified differently - given a slightly different shape.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:05 PM
Jan 26, 2009
Hey, awesome questions! I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's answers.

1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

Both, although not quite 'pictures'. But probably mostly voice. Sometimes I think out loud and sometimes quietly. When I think out loud (i.e. talk to myself) it's a funny questioning voice. I say "Hmm!" a lot. It's more conscious thinking (it's the same when I write while I think). When I think quietly it's more vague and freer (I think the talking slows me down although it does clarify). When I say not quite pictures it's not clear pictures like in reality, it's more like vague images, it's somewhat fuzzy, between pictures and feelings (impressions?) maybe. Often I can't put my finger on what I'm thinking exactly. But it means things to me and leads to real insights. Just thinking of it now I'd say my thinking can be near-sighted but see a lot of content and connections. Then sometimes I zoom in and put on glasses.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

Not that I can recall.

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?

I do shout to myself. It's just like there are two different people. So I will say "oh yeah, of course, stupid!" to myself and then listening me isn't the talking me! LOL

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above

b) and c) depending on what you mean by remember. I recognize people by faces, but when I think about them, it's about how they are. I am very bad at remembering details of people's faces: eye colour, facial hair, even hair colour/length.

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

Definitely my head, or above it. Not so much from my mouth even when I am speaking out loud. No, I never tried to make it come from my hand. In general I'm not too aware of my body so I don't think about parts of me that aren't my head very often.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?


7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

Yes sometimes. Sometimes it's very important for me to write down my thoughts and when I do this, it is part of the process of thinking. It slows me down and forces me to take the time to think about what I'm thinking (haha). I think too fast and tend to make mistakes because of it. Writing helps.

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.

Yes. This is like the vague images I was describing in 1. I love these 'trips'. I think it's a more primal way of thinking, less sophisticated. More leaps and bounds and it's completely free. Everything's allowed. It's the flying (not like a plane, not constant like that) part of thinking, as opposed to the walking or sitting. I think of things here that I couldn't possibly in my other modes. It is much more creative and great fun. In these times I feel kind of like a genius (relative to my normal intelligence, not to other people). This part is almost always quiet (literally and also lacking in words), perhaps the odd word here and there is all.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?

I am not fluent in a second language. But when I go to a country and speak in their language I start to think in it regardless. When I come home, it takes a few weeks until the foreign words stop coming out every now and then by accident.

10.) ??? ...feel free to think up more questions

Is thinking exciting? Do you ever feel high while thinking? Do you ever get tired of thinking? When? Why?


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 12:05 PM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

mostly dialogue (me vs. myself) and little video snippets

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

I tried pictures, but it wasn't quite adequate for some of my thoughts. But I've always used dialogue and videos as my default.

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?

It's a dialogue between me and myself. One says the thought and the other agrees or comes back with a conflicting thought. I sometimes "shout" for the sake of emphasis or if I'm angry at myself or others. I see pictures in snapshots, though I only really use visual thinking for retaining information.

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above

Mostly their face and personality. I often end up saying "You're really cool and I really do remember you, but what's your name again?"

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

No, it all happens physically inside my head. Figuratively there are two little people in there.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?

me vs. me. I have clones and they're driving me nuts.

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

I remember pictures of words when retaining information, but no.

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.

the aforementioned video snippets.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?

I used to take spanish classes, and one time when the class was exceptional, I did think in spanish whenever I was thinking about the class, or anything related to the spanish language. Can't do that anymore.


Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Oct 16, 2008
Oooo...answers. Thank you anwerers.

For the new question 10 added by chocolate, I am going to answer that thinking is exiting, especially thinking about thinking about thinking about thinking...etc. I do often feel...elated, when just realizing something or coming up with a question. Answering questions usually doesn't seem to have as good an effect as asking them, for me. I think why is because questions are good, they mean that there is truth around where you are asking. It doesn't mean what you think is the truth is the truth, it just means that there is a truth to be found some where new. Consider it the treasure map rather than the treasure.

Tired of thinking...rarely, but that one time I didn't sleep for approximately a 5 day week, yeah. I simply got tired of being (and, as we all know, thinking is being). When you are really, really tired, though, you actually think more, but differently. It is not productive thought at all (in the way the S types would have it), but it is a distinctly INTP type thought...little interference from anything but observation and intuition. It is as though the Ti function performs the bare essentials, but other than that, goes dormant.

As an Aside: I just thought about how it would be interesting to compare brain-scans of the different types while doing various activities.
Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
my own voice inside my head, and there are two of me (usually arguing, decisions are made when both voices agree) when watching anything either on TV or little videos in my memory i analyse through talking as i would aloud inside my head. if i do something foolish i will shout and offend myself as i would another, i always analyse how i do things and critisize.


Local time
Today 2:05 PM
Mar 25, 2009
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

I usually think with a voice. sometimes I use pictures as well, but its mostly a voice. lately though, I have been wondering if I am actually slowing my own thought process down by taking time to convert evrything into words...

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

umm, it all pretty much comes spewing out of my noggin. the reason you cant imagine the voice is coming from your hand, is because it comes from your head.
you are 2 parts, a lump of flesh and bones without any purpose or direction, and a brain inside that makes use of the body.

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

when I played world of warcraft, I actually started thinking as though I was typing my thoughts with a keyboard. yeah, i dont play WoW anymore. or do that either...

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.

when I think without words, sometimes I fear that I'm gonna start thinking too fast for my brain to analyze what I've just thought. this goes back to my answer to #1. sometimes I catch myself silently mouthing my thoughts. I'm serious, and it really worries me.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?

I know some french, and I occasionally like to think in it, even though it's a limited vocabulary. whenever I think of something, and I know I could think it in french, I usually do.

Interesting topic


connecting that which cannot be connected
Local time
Today 11:05 AM
Apr 14, 2009
my imagination :)
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc..
I think with a voice. That voice is mine. Also, due to the fact that i can speak 2 languages (Russian and English) I think in both (sometimes switching mid sentence) I do, however tend to think more in English.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?
I can't. When i try to meditate I sometimes succeed in thinking in pictures, but it becomes hard after a while.

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?
I think in first, third, and second person. I can hold debates w/ myself, I can look up at myself from the outside..as in lets say i'm going to get water, i would think "phantome is getting up from her computer to get a glass of water"-usually w/ more details though. and yes i can shout inside my head, though i rarely do so. if i need to emphasize something i insert a curse :P

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above
I usually remember them by the impression they had on me and a "video" of what we did. I also remember faces, however i cannot summon a snapshot of them if I wanted to. Names don't work for me :)

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).
Its coming from inside my head. I cannot project it form my body because I realize that the body is goverened by the brain which is inside my head. I could try to project it from other objects around me but it usually ends up w/ them being a completley different "person"

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?
Me debating against me. I say something, I counter it. This sometimes ends up w/ me seeming 2 talk to myself...which is a bit strange. My different voices also have different personalities ^.^ one is "good" the other is "bad" etc etc XD

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?
I didn't do ever do that....however I once went through a period of spelling out all my thoughts because I had nothing better to do :)

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.
I can think in video format....and pictures (as I said) when i meditate.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?
I think I already answered this....but no it's not very different.

Interesting. sorry for the reallly long answer :)


connecting that which cannot be connected
Local time
Today 11:05 AM
Apr 14, 2009
my imagination :)
ah yes, and i also have been developing a very strange type of thinking that doesn't involve anything. Its more of impressions. I don't need to speak etc. It somehow relates to my memories...I think its quite hard to explain :)


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 8:05 PM
Apr 22, 2009
I believe that we all think in symbols; some include language, pictures, information from our senses, or others.

Depending on how many languages it can affect your thought process. Most of the time it is only a single word that is changed in one sentence, but I'm not sure if that is an error in recall of the word or not. It would be interesting to see if there are studies about this.


the Void
Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Apr 27, 2009
Dubrovnik (Croatia)
I think that every thought manifests it in various ways... actually, that our inner voices, and inner pictures are NOT thoughts themselves, but the MANIFESTATIONS.


aus dem nix
Local time
Today 1:05 PM
Apr 21, 2009
in Gedanken
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

I can visualize pictures, but most of my thoughts are words or, more often, just something abstract.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

I switch between more concrete words and vague abstractness.

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?

I can shout or make it sound however I want, but typically it's just a standard male voice and most of the time I don't really perceive it as having any quality, tone, etc, aside from the words themselves.

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above

I guess mostly their personality, which is connected to their face, name, and other little facts. I also strongly connect a person to their voice if I've been around them a lot(e.g. my close friends, my family).

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to rephrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

I have a hard time perceiving my voice or my center of consciousness as being anywhere other than within my head.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?

Not really, unless I consciously attempt to do so.

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

I've never really done this, or even tried to that I can remember. I do wonder however, how do deaf(from birth) people think? If they've never heard words or a voice, do they think in visual images of written words? Or just in pure abstractness?

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.

Yes, the abstractness I've mentioned several times now. I can't describe it, it's just an abstract... thing.. I guess..

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?

I am not fluent, but I have found myself randomly thinking in German, especially if I have been dealing with the language recently. Sometimes I don't even realize it. Sometimes, if I'm not totally focused on what I'm doing, I might intend to write something in English but then realize halfway through that I'm writing in German.

Since I started learning German, I think my mind has become more abstract, I've realized that there are concepts, words, etc that do not exist in English and thus the only way I can perceive them is abstractly. This has led me to more often feel like I know what I want to say but I have no idea how to say it because I cannot think of a word, or sometimes even a series of words, that can accurately describe it.


Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Feb 23, 2009
Amongst the Carrot Flowers
I have 2 voices in my head, sometimes a third appears, but it's not my voice.

I have one big voice that is destructive, negative and critical and another voice that controls that other voice so i don't act in those inappropriate manners. We, me and the 2 other voices have huge conversations. I am not entirely sure how we think or see thoughts. we do feel powerful.

Then I have my out loud voice that i create arguments with.

I dont talk to the third voice, it talks to me. But not so much anymore because I am on meds to supress that.

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 2:05 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

Voice. I guess it's my own but it doesn't sound like the voice I hear when recorded. A lot of times though, my thoughts go into areas my vocabulary can't. Then it becomes a blend of voice and picture and something else....

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

I don't think so, at least not sober.

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?

It's a running dialog although it sometimes seems like a narration, especially when I am experiencing something. Yes, I shout and whisper inside my head.

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above

If I meet someone then see them again a month or two later, I will recognise the face (never the name) but I'll have trouble picturing the face in my head in between those times. The persona and some facts about them will stay with me.

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

I wouldn't want my inner voice to come from any other part of my body than my head.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?

Yes, consciously. Usually when I need to convince myself of something. I still use a former girlfriend's voice when I'm trying to convince myself to take a chance. My nagging sister's voice when I need to clean the house and am procrastinating. I could go on...

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

Not me.

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.

Not entirely. I use mental imagery when words don't work or I don't possess them.


Active Member
Local time
Today 8:05 PM
Mar 25, 2009
1. How do I think? 2 modes: [1] an autopilot fast semi-conscious nonverbal mode that is a mixture of images/impressions/emotions, both from my surroundings and from memory; [2] a more conscious, slower (speaking speed) verbalized mode as if I were commenting to an imaginary companion ('wow this is cool'), or, in case I need to do something that I haven't done a thousand times yet (like catching a taxi: 'ok where are the taxis here?'). I think 'ok' and 'ok, next!' a LOT. :p

3. Do I shout? let's say the voice will occasionally shout with excitement i.e. sound more intense

4. I am known for recognizing faces (and voices, tastes, ...) exceptionally well (+ context/personality, but not names). I have a global impression in my head, including a vague (washed out) visual impression that I am unable to zoom in on (exception: people I have seen very recently; I suppose I'm using visual data from my short-term working memory there). Desperately trying to 'see' the face only makes things worse (any visual impression disappears), or, what I get to see is the (detailed) memory of a familiar existing photograph of that person. That said, show me whatever face a decade later and I'll still recognize it.

5. Where does that voice-in-my-head come from? from the ears region of my brain (inside the skull)

6, 7. no multiple voices; no printed words although I could imagine to (think of a printed word as an image)

8. Thinking without words: that's what I was referring to under question 1.

9. Thinking in foreign languages: yes I think (and even dream!) in a foreign language provided sufficient exposure (a stay abroad, an intense language class). My friends report this too. // Something else: speaking. After the stay abroad, when I want to speak in my mother tongue again, foreign words will still pop up first, although this gradually disappears over time (others report this too). Exception: English, because internet exposure keeps my English activated.

10. Any feedback on 'thinking without words'? Anyone?


Local time
Today 8:05 PM
Mar 1, 2009
When we think (at least when I think, anyway..) we think in our voice, or some voice, or pictures, or something, or both.

Mostly, what I am trying to get at here, is:

1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

A voice, yes. Lots of inner monologue and conversations with myself inside my head. Sometimes I imagine I'm talking to fictional characters about some idea or other, and then I 'hear' their voice, but mostly it's my own.

Occasionally I think in pictures, mostly when thinking about the future or trying to find something.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

Well, no. I don't think so.

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?

Yes, I can shout inside my head. Not sure how it works, I just imagine a (my) voice shouting inside my head. Pictures... Well, while looking at them, I'll mentally describe it to myself, sometimes, but really, I remember pictures as pictures.

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above

f. all of the above (except e, because that would be sort of difficult), I think.

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

No. Well, I've never tried really hard... Tried just now, though, and it didn't work.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?

Hm, like I said earlier, I'll 'talk' to fictional characters sometimes. I often imagine their voices. It's easier when it's from a film or tv-show, though, because then I don't have to make up the voice.

Sometimes, during tests (at school) I'll 'hear' the teacher say the answer to the question.

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

Isn't that the same thing as thinking in pictures? I do it sometimes, but usually to try to remember text read irl, not as if I was writing it myself.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?

I'm pretty fluent in English, I think, although mostly in print since I don't get to practice it much. I sometimes find myself thinking in English, but mostly about stuff on the internet or books I have read in English. No difference in thought-process.

No difference in thought-process, though.

(The lime-green might not have been the best stylistic choice. Sorry about that)


Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Jul 7, 2008
Sorry, this may be off-topic...I was just thinking it's interesting that the expression is 'to read one's mind' which seems to imply written word thoughts. But bearing in mind that most people think in varying ways, I wonder that if telepathy were possible, would anyone be able to understand someone else's thoughts?


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 8:05 PM
Apr 22, 2009
I think words are symbolic actions. Perhaps being able to recognize thoughts for what they are would be better than to try to 'read' them. Interesting point you bring up though.

I usually try to think in a variety of formats to get the best from each. These include:

Objects and symbols, words, colors, feelings, changes in perspective, visualization exercises, meditation, and complete immersion in stimuli (opposite of meditation). These are just a few, but they can all bring something interesting that the others might not be able to.

I tend to think whatever brings the best results, even if it is in a different language. The transition to bring back meaning is difficult though for any format :D
Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
Sorry, this may be off-topic...I was just thinking it's interesting that the expression is 'to read one's mind' which seems to imply written word thoughts. But bearing in mind that most people think in varying ways, I wonder that if telepathy were possible, would anyone be able to understand someone else's thoughts?

but does anyone think alike, do we have our own mental processes. do we all perceive reality or anything in the same. is each colour the same colour to anybody. skin might be purple in your point of view. (or at least my perception of purple in my world)

who knows, and can we ever prove or disprove such a thing?


Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Jul 7, 2008
but does anyone think alike, do we have our own mental processes. do we all perceive reality or anything in the same. is each colour the same colour to anybody. skin might be purple in your point of view. (or at least my perception of purple in my world)

who knows, and can we ever prove or disprove such a thing?

One could say therefore that if no one thinks alike then everyone sort of lives in their own world... Or could that also explain why different people like different things? Actually this reminds me of Philip K. Dick stories. If each person has a varying perception, then it could explain how people can have different opinions. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) this kind of theory is basically impossible to prove...

Now, I'm pretty sure I explained the above thoughts rubbishly and I fear I will have to return and edit it once I've thought it through properly. And I fear that I have gone completely off the topic of the thread. :o
Local time
Today 7:05 PM
Jan 24, 2009
where i have been put
true, where do our tastes come from. are they genetic or picked up along the way. i like Death Metal, was i destined to at conception. is there a proclivity for Extreme Metal? more likely a proclivity for what Death Metal is. footballers in primative times may have been ideal for certain types of hunting and we created a game around some peoples natural ability.
i like guitar, maybe guitar-liking came before the invention of the guitar and we built a guitar for already guitar-lovers?

very complicated


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:05 PM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
My thoughts range from vocal to pictures to..... intangible formless ideas... I'm not quite sure how to explain those, but I will try.

Typically when I am thinking about things that are concrete, I use a combination of words and pictures. If I am thinking of how I am going to say something/write something (which is frequent for me) voice is most common (and the voice is always mine). I can definitely shout my thoughts, especially if I am feeling suffocated, ignored, angry, anxious or some other variant of those types of emotions. Or if I have a sudden realization, I will shout inside my head an exclamation. Usually I refrain from actually shouting.

When I absent-mindedly drift off into thought, I typically use voice in conjunction with images... weaving from one idea to the next, not caring where it leads.

Concrete (and some not so concrete) images are most common when thinking about art--how I want a painting/photograph/drawing/sculpture to look. I also use this frequently when designing anything--a design for a mechanical part, how I'm going to build a table, how I could lay out my living room for maximum flow, how to rotate something in 3D space. The images are in color (so are my dreams).

The last type of thought I use is sort of mystical... it happens whenever I think of anything in a very abstract way... for instance, grasping an abstract mathematical/physical theory, thinking about things that do not yet exist, new ideas... thinking about concepts like infinity, space, time... death, life, creation... While I may use some words/concrete pictures, these are used sparingly. It is without shape, without form, yet it has both... the best I can describe is swirling, spiraling shapeless abstract blobs of thought, intermingling, moving, changing... it's very organic in a way. This is my favorite type of thinking, but one that I don't get to engage in nearly as much as I would like (do to requirements of living/working in the society we have). I hope to change that one day (as in--have more free time for thinking).

To answer some of your other questions: I tend to have a photographic memory. I tend to remember faces and personalities extremely well, but often have trouble with names, facts, and sometimes where I know the person from.

I would say that my mystical pictureless/wordless thought pattern has grown stronger the more I use it, although it has still been quite natural for me. The others are also natural. I guess thinking, in general, is natural for me.


Local time
Today 2:05 PM
May 15, 2009
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...
I think in a voice. Kind of. I think in words, but there is no tone or anything attached. I suppose I think in abstractions that are converted to words somehow. Like others have mentioned. But the abstract kind of thinking never reaches my awareness except when words fail me.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?
I cannot shout inside my head. If I'm angry, I feel it in my chest. The voice remains the same. Remembering pictures is very difficult. I can close my eyes and kind of see a fuzzy approximation of something with a great deal of effort.

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above
Personality/persona and details/facts.

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).
It's inside my head. I've only just now tried to think it's coming from somewhere else. No dice.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?
Not often. I refer to this as "I and I." Both voices are toneless, it's a conversation of sorts.

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?
Maybe, but not me.

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.
When the words fail me I'm aware of the abstractions, but I can't make heads nor tails of what's going on. It's very frustrating.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?
Engrish only up in this piece.

10.) ???

11.) Profit.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 2:05 PM
Apr 18, 2009
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...
Voice, primarily. I can't quite pin the nature of the voice down, though. It's not all that similar to how I speak now but I think it's similar to the voice I had as a kid.

My work in chemistry, mathematics, etc. however is not verbal at all. That is dominated predominantly by intuition, which unfortunately makes the act of systematically studying all but impossible. I haven't had to do so yet, but I may need to in organic chem this year. Hopefully that doesn't become problematic.
2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?
Depends what you're referring to. When I ponder things? No, not really; most of my pondering consists either of one voice ranting or of a discussion between sub-voices (I don't have DID or anything though, as I recognize each sub-voice as just a set of ideas that are anthropomorphized for simplicity of thought). When I try to recollect something, or when I read? Definitely.
3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?
I don't really shout, in general. It's a relatively quiet voice. I don't remember pictures that well, but I tend to visualize them, with some description associated to help the visualization.
4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above
A combination of a-c. Unfortunately I'm somewhat bad at connecting the three together sometimes. For example, as was noted in my intro thread, I have met Kianara a couple times IRL. I cannot for the life of me connect her name and her picture to what little I know of her personality, and when all I had was her name I could not connect the name to the picture.

(Sorry if you didn't want me to say that, Kianara, although nothing directly related to you that hasn't already been said was mentioned.)
5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).
It's in my head, definitely. It's also, abstractly, my thoughts; that is, it IS my thoughts, in as little of a metaphorical sense as I can fathom. The thoughts are the words, there is no distinction between the two, in general.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?
When I am conflicted about an idea, my thoughts will sometimes arise in a discussion between multiple voices. They all "sound" the same though. This is infrequent as well.
7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?
Not really, though I guess my attitude on forums winds up that way, as my thoughts get directly transitioned into words exactly as they emerged in my head.
8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.
When my intuition predominates, yes, but I don't wind up calling that thinking very much to be honest...if that makes sense. That isn't "thought", it's...something else, something amorphous. Again my visualization is done in pictures but I'm not very good at that, at least when I'm not reading.

I sometimes think aloud, by the way, usually when organizing or trying to deal with a very short term memory (e.g. "where did I leave that x?")


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:05 AM
Jul 14, 2008
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...
Voice. It sounds like me.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?
Not that I can readily recall. Although, when I was little the voice was external as an imaginary friend. Even now it sometimes becomes external.

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?
I suppose I could shout inside my head, although I usually don't. I am able to remember pictures by "sight," just everything else is default audio.

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above
Mostly their face I guess. Which is odd, having audio thoughts yet visual memory?

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand?
In my head. If it is externalized, it is not in any object.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?
I have one main voice, but an identical one will join in if I'm debating something. The main one is always just in my head, but the second might "come out."

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?
Not usually, although if I'm trying to remember something from a book, say for a test, it's often in printed word. Again with the visual memory! I hadn't noticed before.

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.
Only if I can't find a suitable phrase. It is very unpleasant. There's no pictures or anything, just an idea--formless. Uncomfortable.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?
I only speak English, but if I could speak another language fluently I'd probably still think in English. It's my native tongue and is also more common than any other language I'd learn.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:05 PM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
Just thought of this: I realize that I do sometimes think in printed word, but not really in words, but in numbers or symbols. Like manipulating an equation or adding/subtracting in my head. Or sometimes when trying to recall words on a page.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:05 PM
Apr 4, 2009
When I think, there's two dominant forms of thought depending on how aware I am of the external world. The first is like a vocal track. It's very disconnected, like an observer telling what it thinks about the situation while I go about doing things, with the observer located around the center or top front/back of my head. Often I may get bits of visual or "feelings/impressions" that are abstractions of ideas I don't feel like "vocalizing" out/don't know how to yet. It feels almost like I'm gesturing to a vague area.

The second is still vocal, but there's an environment, typically just a blackish plane that I can adjust or furnish as I please. It is located in the center of my head. In both of these, the voice acts much like normal vocalization; it gets louder, softer, laughs, sounds amused or critical or annoyed, exasperated. Never sad or truly depressed, though... No mental crying. XD However, there are times when I think in the same sort of visual narrative mix like when you're reading and your brain mixes the words into this weird visual, audible, imaginary world.

I don't think in multiple voices; I may contradict myself, but nothing that I'd really call "separate." However, there's the odd distinction between the me who is physically, the me who thinks and observes others and the physical me, and the me who thinks about think and observes the thinking me. They aren't fully separate, however...

As for other languages, not fluent in any beyond English, but I occasionally will think a phrase or two, or sometimes random words in Japanese or French for no reason whatsoever. It just pops up.


Local time
Today 7:05 PM
May 19, 2009
For me, there are three forms.

The first, its verbal, but its a silent verbal. I don't "hear" but I do. Maybe thats normal. This form I do a lot of subvocalization I guess.

The next form is when my imagination starts to kick in. Then its pretty much a movie. My "day dream". My surroundings, while ever present, seem to fade out to make room for what my mind's eye wants to see.

The final form is my favorite. There is only silence. No subvocalization, no images. Just silence, silence and understanding. Hard to explain. Its my completely "zoned out" form of thinking. Usually though, if I'm abruptly brought back to reality I will not remember what I was thinking about. However, when the thought has taken course and I come back on my own, I remember very vivid details. My best ideas are born from this zoning out.

But alas, the world is against me, and there are too many distractions.

Oh.. and when I do a lot of heavy reading before bed, I tend to wake up the next day narrating everything I do for the first couple of hours in my head. Very irritating.. "And he brushed his teeth lazily, wishing they would just brush themselves."


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:05 AM
Jul 14, 2008
Oh.. and when I do a lot of heavy reading before bed, I tend to wake up the next day narrating everything I do for the first couple of hours in my head. Very irritating.. "And he brushed his teeth lazily, wishing they would just brush themselves."

Ha :D I do that as well. Use to be almost constant, but now it's just the occasional moment. Humming blocks it out, but that's not any better.


Local time
Today 2:05 PM
May 20, 2009
Up or down, Left or right, Forward or back of you
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...

I think mostly in a voice, but my favorite kind is thinking in a vague inexpressible kind of understanding. I really enjoy that one.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?

That understanding kind, but I have tried to force myself to thing in picture/video. The latter just doesn't seem to work; even though sometimes I, this is where inexpressible comes in, think about a spatial dimensions with out an accompanying image (clear enough?).

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?

Its just a straight monotone monologue. When I read this I tried to shout in my head, but I failed.

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above

Face and that drags up facts about them, but some part of me remembers their personality. For some reason I think differently around certain people; I think this has something to do with their personality type.

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).

Its always been in my head. Someone mentioned about being able to have it behind them, and I can kind of do that now that I try.

6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?


7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?

Never tried. Considering it now, I couldn't read the words fast enough to keep up with myself. Sort of a train wreck, or bottle neck of thoughts, not pleasant.

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.

When I do analysis on problems I start with this vague understanding of it. It does weird spatial transformations in my head (allowing me a better view? It not a consciously directed thing.), but I don't have any mental image of it. Slowly, information about it seems to fall (drip?) out of it into a concrete thought, but not in words as that takes more work. I seem to think of it as having all the information to begin with, over time I gain to ability to express it to myself, and later the ability to express it in a way someone else might understand.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?

I took Spanish for a spell. I can't speak it; even though I have a good accent, I have almost no vocabulary. Anyway, I can force myself to think in it, but not for long.

10.) Is thinking exciting?

There is a small amount of time between thinking about something, and truly knowing it (as it falls/drips?). That point is awe inspiring. I live for that one moment.


Local time
Tomorrow 6:05 AM
Mar 18, 2009
The place between places. That's right, code for l
1.) How do you think...mostly pictures, voice (what kind of voice?), etc...
Mostly in words, as a narrative to add sarcasm to amuse myself at times. but then at other times I have the 'moment of clarity' and I struggle to get the words together to understand it.

2.) Have you ever thought in a different way?
Yeah, I think. In a more outright reactive way where impulse just reigns on choosing the best course of action. I do it to work as a sort of self assessment every once in a while, to see if I still am that flexible or whatever, it lets me determine a 'baseline' stat for myself for later retrospection

3.) If you have a voice-connected thought process (you think in words, as though you were talking to yourself), how does it work, exactly? Can you "shout" inside your head? How does remembering pictures work for you?
internal narrative. follows memories of funny voices phrases quotes etc, insert funny noise here kind of thing. Pictures are a different matter, that is more of an emotional response for me. Like when I see something special I will imagine a song or tune and start humming, maybe just have an epiphany about something else. Or when I hear a song I imagine a story or clip for it. so on and so forth

4.) Do you remember people more by a.) their name, b.) their face, c.) their personality/persona, d.) details/facts about them, or, e.) none of the above
mixture of their face and persona

5.) Where do you think the voice in your head (if you think in a voice) is sounding from...to refrase this, does it sound in your head, or your hand...could you make yourself think the voice is coming from your hand (I tried, and failed).
It is either me talking from my throat or it is floating somewhere around my head having discussions/debates/arguments with 'voices'/concepts in other parts of my brain/CNS/PNS
6.) Do you think in multiple voices? How so?
multiple voices are for me more like aspects of humanity or my personality, skeins of thought and possibly even constructs to filter out useless information that clogs up the discussion. i.e. I could say that I have an umpire an antagonist a logician [LOL far too close to magician] someone/thing to choose a moral/theological/contextual filter to apply to a chosen subject, further still there will be the point of view voice
that advocates for the subject at hand and then the one that says to hell with it all for now no chance of figuring it out with current tools "syntax error" or something like that. It helps getting ideas in a form palatable for communication.

7.) Is there anyone who thinks in printed word?
HOLY MOLEY!! that would make my head explode soo many pages of data to coallate word patterns to disseminate and all round logistical ouchness. It more or less is denegraded to an emotional/physical response filing system with expanding folders at times, that's painful enough to remember the precise thing I want.

8.) Do you ever think without words? Describe.
Well, it's like my heart sings a new song and there is no words for it. only a feeling that needs to move.

9.) For people who have learned a second language fluently...which do you think in? Both? The original language? The new one? Before you learned the second language, how was your thought process different (if at all)?
I havn't learnt the second language well enough to be confident with it [polish] but there are insights gernered that were unavailable before in english.

10.) ??? ...feel free to think up more questions
Think of an encylopaedia and then screw up the alphabetic filing system for one that acts on emotive evocation and the quality control checks get shot to shit for having sentimentality, then you have my brain in operating mode. A storm in a teacup.

I like that last analogy. Its application is fresh and reveals a previously unsconsidered question for filtering my understanding of life, the univers and everything [42] to internaly discuss it.


Local time
Today 2:05 PM
Apr 21, 2009
First of all, my thought style depends on what type of task I am performing.

My thoughts are much more rampant, rather inconveniently, in the early morning when I am showering and getting dressed and late at night when I am trying to lose consciousness / sleep.

While showering, I get immersed in fantastical landscapes that I materialize in my mind...forgetting what I am doing in reality.

When I am getting dressed, my mind switches to a dual personality: one personality is Optimistic and the other one is Pessimistic. Needless to say, they get into arguments and the Pessimist brutally attacks the Optimist who is trying to defend himself. Sometimes, the Pessimist attacks me for imagining their conversation and tells me that I am worthless. I tell him to shut up because I am trying to get ready for school! :p

At night, on the other hand, I do more of my deep thinking...mostly philosophical imaginings and thinking about Transhumanism. I get most of my productive ideas then and I always have to write down my thoughts on a notepad which I keep on my nightstand. I am a writer so this is very useful. At night I am also able to Lucid Dream, creating vivid worlds and scenery in my mind in which I can interact with. I love to do this on weekends but on school nights it becomes troublesome as I often have trouble sleeping normally. :(

In the normal school day I often have a very fast stream of consciousness, Holden Caulfield-esque ranting in my head. I always criticize people in the hall in my head. I think this is anxiety-provoked since I have an Antisocial disorder (generalized) and am an Aspie.

I mostly think in words, but I am able to think in pictures if needed. Also, I often have melodies and lyrics in my head...but they are more like ambient noise. :)

Citizen X

Active Member
Local time
Today 7:05 PM
May 27, 2009
I think mainly in words and moving images. When I think in words I'm actually talking with myself, sometimes even moving my tongue inside my (closed) mouth.

Sometimes I just talk with myself. I'm my best company.
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