I thought of a guy in a group of friends who is constantly arguing with everyone's proposed plan to do anything. Sure we can go to the theaters... but what about x? I think that sometimes arguing just to argue can be fun. I do that from time to time, and get a lot out of it. But to argue every single time.... that gets annoying, cumbersome, old. Especially if you already agree that going to the theaters would be superb. So why bring up x?
Because it could be better? But since time is an issue and one can only deal with so many possibilities, it is more "reasonable" to argue based on such restrictions.
My question: Is the annoyance from the lack of "rationality" [resulting from the conflict of actually heading to the theater(doing something) and the presenting options] or more of an innate opinion that there is "too much clarification" and said "excessive clarification" is subjectively undesirable?
but if i tell you i like vanilla and you ask me why not chocolate, and i get into this whole argument about why vanilla snuffs chocolate (LIES! CHOCOLATE IS THE NECTAR OF THE GODS!) only to find out that you actually agreed with me that vanilla pwns chocolate (forgive me for i have sinned again) the entire time, then i'm going to be a little annoyed with you.
The point is that unless I gained some deeper appreciation for vanilla (insanity) by expressing my beliefs to you (there is a difference between asking a person why they like vanilla and getting into an argument with them over why chocolate beats vanilla only to say just kidding, i think vanilla beats chocolate) and vigorously defending them in debate, I will accuse you of having wasted my time.
Sometimes being contrary just to be contrary... is just plain annoying.
You are talking about pure opinion based topics? With that, I don't even see the need for an argument. And since it is understood as subjective, I don't see how one would feel annoyed. The argument can simply be ended with "I inherently like it."
In general, I think the problem here is that the argument for assholishness lies on moral relativity. People like to be agreeable, and those who place more value on emotions would, in fact, say that it is better to believe in a lie than get all confused in the chance that they'd discover something new. Someone who disrupts this state of comfortable certainty without offering another comfortable place of certainty is, quite literally, attacking others' emotional well-being. Hence why such a person can be label an asshole.
Stating truths is 'assholish' when it disrupts emotional stability? I cannot relate to this vulnerability...
I]Btw, if you need me to extract more from Peirce about why certainty is desirable, I can. It is indeed quite long.[/I]
Certainty is desirable even if illogical? Is it an inherent human psychological condition?
While being contrary can create a discussion leading to truth, being contrary is also a method of expressing dislike for a person. People use agreement and similarity to connect, so deliberate dissonance is quite easily interpreted as a refusal to connect.
A first debate might be seen as trying to correct someone for their own good, but a second argument in the opposite direction is easy to (mis)construe as antagonistic.
I am trying to understand this...
Social connection is done through subjective "synching"(opinions, humor, interests etc.) and objective synching( background, race, age etc.) Without similarities, there is no social connection? Difference in subjective and objective factors represents antagonism towards persons' opinion. On the other hand, continuous emphasis on differentiating opinions is perceived as antagonism not towards belief but already towards person.
Beliefs are attached to persons therefore excessive disagreeing subtly implies antagonism towards person.
On another note, disagreement is "anti-connection" because it directly represents antagonism to person's belief therefore, presenting an indirect antagonism towards person.
What is the relation of this with certainty? Certainty is the "material" that connects belief and self?
It makes me think about discrimination and how "diversity" is generally undesirable.
Intentionality is important, but without meta-conversation (is that even a word?) all the person has is guesses about your intentions. And they will guess, as socializing is built in with a plethora of assumptions about how we ought to behave. In other words, your intentions, unless explicitly stated, are secondary to what your behavior suggests your intentions are. Depending on the context and how you choose to express your dissenting viewpoint, you will be seen as attacking certainty, if not the competence of the person as well, and therefore emotional comfort.
I see...
Attacking certainty of person is attacking the person(?) Attacking certainty is done by antagonism towards belief(?) Antagonism towards belief attacks certainty of person[which attacks person] and excessive antagonism socially implies antagonism[which can be simple dislike or question of competence]towards person.
I suppose then the next question would be, when is someone justified in calling someone else an asshole? Whenever that person feels unfairly attacked?
A "underhanded" attack? And there is a an "almost universal" human understanding of what is an "attack" and what is not?
I think it's because any opposition appears to rely on the assumption that you haven't thought things through clearly enough.