Here are all my dreams I recorded before March 26.
June 3, 2017
In the hospital in bed people pushing me down on a cross, I was resisting, I stopped resisting, they let me go, woke up in hospital bed.
2018 Fall (Tactility)
Face to face nealing (Weiss)
She holds me from behind (Blake)
I am around her (Blake)
February 26, 2019
I hold Yang from behind as Blake
a large open room, an art class - dozens of small squares, partial segments of a larger painting all hung, stood, posted randomly in the room -
sits in a chair in the middle of the room to see a mirror - the whole painting is in the mirror reflected from the squares. A tree is in it to the right, a brook to the left, it is in 3D.
talking to a man about religion and woke up
acient underground city, water tunnels with boasts from 1870's, 1930's vaults, treasure underwater sand.
house, cooking
Eminem, hospital, pinned down needle in the butt, pleading, told to shut up,
fake Russian speak
parking lot food store free pie
the forest
back basketball court behind apartments, Dwayne the rock Johnson walks up with
Joe Rogan, talked about having fun wrestling, talk about infinite possibilities
I am outside one room apartment, not the first one
third apartment, really big, many rooms, multiple people, aunt lives there
(in the living room, my friend Cathy wants me to go to the mall with her to see her psychologist)
goes with aunt to back rooms of the apartment to see her psychologist
he knew who I was, was friendly, was partially chubby, bald and round
aunt believes she is in multiple realities she tells him
I tell her psychologist I was a mad scientist that erased my memories and came to this reality
told him I could not daydream, he told me to close my eyes and tell him what I saw, I told him I saw black static
I opened my eyes I was in a house, a combination of my mom's trailer in las cruces and grandmothers house in Deming
a tablet stand was in the kitchen counter, someone animating my little pony show on it, really bright and colorful even for dreams.
I got scared and the room got darker, I had an increased sense of lucidity, I knew if I got more scared bad things would happen
I was scared a monster would appear, I was being overwhelmed where I was in the dining room, I moved quickly into the back hallway
in the hallway was a small closet-like place, walls not covered, you could see the wood beams
a monster was in the wall, I not so scared because I knew I had to not be scared
the monster that chased Sebastian in Neverending story2 (pincer from pokemon) grabbed me from behind, not the same as the monster in the wall,
I had a knife and stabbed it, it opened up and was full of intestines, the knife did not stick well.
sisters baby woke me up - started thinking in my sleep - don't remember
last day of school, the principle has expensive food in cafeteria for those who did not skip
I am swinging around a comics store with clear ducktape like spiderman,
a lady asks if I am trying to steal comic books, I say no, I am pretending to be spiderman
I have an interview at a bank for a job, I say I am not into paperwork but something technical,
I say that I came to the bank because this is a small town and not many places do tech things, the woman said I was skilled in many things and she would find me a position.
house backyard fall leaves, see the neighbor in their shower
bedroom, brother is porcupine rat, molerats behind the bed, we tell him to take his babies, he puts them on his back
kiss concert, the crow fliting with a pregnant girl in black kiss makeup
in the house again, Android head on chair talks to me is confused why he exists, a random guy tells me it is easy to make A.I. now as it is to make 3D objects in videogames, the figured out the super simple way how
red bee/centipede (like donkey kong game) - had to dodge it in living room
brother is in be sick vanes on neck, mom, and aunt around him, he is now a vampire (porcupine rat vampire)
I walk in the hallway, pass a room with a blond child vampire in bed
I get mad and yell at mom I need a lock for my door so brother cannot get me, I hit stand in the kitchen because I am mad
Leonard sees me hit kitchen stand from living loom, comes at me with a katana sword
I though a chain around his sword and then him, I take the sword and tell mom to through it in the ditch weeds
Brother comes to help Leonard, I push him off because he is weak from being sick.
I wake up
blue shirt kid made moms car driverless, dropped mom off at a store by an overpass,
the car went to kids house I was in the back seat, ran into wall front window gone, ran up the wall all car gone except me on segway.
knocked on the door they did not answer a long time, he had many relatives over
now in an apartment, the computer did not work so made computer from old parts (CRT monitor), set up for computer club convention booths.
johnny five works at cattle restaurant is tired and put hay bails with meat on the floor,
I told him to plug in he says he needs to cook, I tell him changing up will make him faster at his job, he gets excited and charges up
a dragon tells me in his ship:
space dragon in ufos gave man technology, man used technology to go to war with dragons, dragons breath fire into clouds and the great Noah flood happened
eat candy in a store, counter in shape of a ring with candy
mom and I indoor amusement park, we had been to this one before in a dream, not real life.
police ran on top of moms bike, mom asked them to get off her bike but they said no.
I yelled at them
we fought
at a college, I am in a band class, an important event, families, faculty, other students are there. I was randomly just there. I did not know how to play the violin so I improvised and played by ear, sounded good but through off a girl in front of me playing her violin. the whole band performance was interrupted. the band director started berating the girl in front of me, she was his daughter, I told him I messed her up, it's not her fault. he is still mad at her, they go to the band loft, I yell at him "The Last Jedi Sucked Rian". everyone in the room started fighting. almost lost my backpack.