coalescing in diffusion
I do quite enjoy surrealism, abstract cubism, geometric art... it is an exact expression of something within the mind, I think. I have found I dislike realistic arts, as they fail to say much, they don't express raw passion and emotion that I feel art should express (and they are just far too mundane). I dislike mostly every type of art for some reason or another, except anything pertaining to abstractions. Are you telling me you don't enjoy art? Music? Ah, but enjoyment is not the sole end, is it? but it is the expression of an idea, of a thought, the tangible realization of something intangible, abstract though it may be, and abstract only because no function of realism and logic could every hope to explain it. That is the beauty of duality within the world.ahh, an invitation to entertainment.. hooray...! just what i need, more amusement. because obviously being amused is my central goal in life. i don't like my attitude either.
my brother (estp) recently introduced me to surreal art. he's taking a liking for mythology, symbolism and poetry over the past months. i was like, yep, that's an Ni fetish right there. it's real life things like this that solidify the validity of typology in my life constantly.
Also, I swear I'm not an F type. Ask anyone. This kind of art simply fascinates me. It is something I could not describe, and something which someone who doesn't inherently see can see. It is deeply emotional and intense personal moment, the colour flows from the pen, apart from any semblance of rationality; it is raw, the byproduct of an utter frustration because such an idea cannot ever hope to be expressed in words, but is found throughout nature. O soul, release thyself! O spirit, fly free! For the body is just a chalice... it is worth nothing.