His ability to focus does not suppress the senses the way my thoughts suppress mine.
Honestly autism is still in a stage where I think pharma will try to milk the diagnosis for as much cash as possible. Maybe 20 years from now we will really know what is there to know about it.
Really everyones filter is a unique finger print of inflow of information.
Autism is something kind of specific. it is when there are too many connections in the brain. Grey matter in the frontal lobes is thicker. So in the autistic person, they focus more on sensory perception than on the internal manipulation of data. I am not talking about working memory I mean the ventral medial prefrontal cortex. This is the part of the brain that connects the "self" to the "other". As in they did x, I would do x if abc. They did x because abc. In the mind of the autistic, they have a different theory of mind. X happens because of "logic", not "emotion". Because the VMPFC is not developed to produce an emotional cause in the self. The self is just what the system says is external cause and effect not internal. Why did I do xyz? because external reasons abc. Normally people say because I felt like it. Or because I had a preference. But in logic, it all depends on the external. So this is how the autistic person thinks others operate. Why did sue do xyz? because of external factors abc, not internal motives def. To the autistic person, everything is driven by the environment all motives are environmental motives. So people must act based on environmental factors and not hidden causes.
The opposite is schizo. This is a thinning of connections and looks for hidden motives that are not there. I have a friend who thinks that everyone is trying to poison him. He thinks everyone is thinking things about him so if you say something neutral he takes it as confirmation of his thoughts about what you were thinking about him. Schizos are always thinking about what others are thinking and autists think people only think of things in the environment. An autistic person never guesses that a person would be thinking about what they are just that an objective world exists that we all share.
Fe thinks we all share the same values.
Te thinks we all have the same reasoning.
Se sees everything in high fidelity
Ne sees its ideas as objective/obvious to anyone who looks at them.
Fi knows its values are different
Ti knows people reason differently
Si feels everything in the body
Ni symbols/images can mean different things to different people.
As INTJ I can tell the difference between all of them. because I have experienced people disagreeing with me on almost all of them. To Freud, everything was a penis. His ideas were objective and Jung disagreed because he did not reason in the same way. I do not think everyone has the same values so I am not Fe but my values are not selfish. Te is between Ni and Fi. so I am aware that language is symbology. What I say can be interpreted but not by me but by others. Ti will consider this and phrase things in the most clear-cut way possible that is interpreted in multiple ways but only to the degree that it cannot be defined in such a way as to pin down the author as meaning something he did not. I already know what I mean I just have to translate it when I am misunderstood so that I get the meaning across I want and the symbols write themselves in the expression that though clear in reference to me is still interpretable to me once the misunderstanding is resolved.
My brother thinks everyone reasons like him.
He can feel everything in his body.
He thinks his ideas are objective.
And he thinks his values are the best values well respecting others to some degree.
I believe symbols are interpretable.
I believe that reasoning happens in symbols but there are underlying similarities.
I have values that have to do with kindness and respect.
I sometimes but not always have high fidelity in vision.
I often fight with my brother over the meaning of things because he disagrees so much. He says it is only one way and I don't. Definitions are fluid and he takes everything literally by his own internal dictionary.
My sister is less picky about words but she gets upset if you bring up something she is attached to.
People call me autistic but in podlair they call me Nai’xyy.
My therapist thinks I am autistic (super high functioning) but I said how can I be autistic if you also think I am an empath? Doesn't that kinda contradict?
Maybe I have too many connections in some places but fewer connections in other places. My eyes move in different ways because of the podlair system. I just don't like people who judge me and I don't feel comfortable around strangers who I know are not friendly by the first few seconds of interactions. I keep the therapist I have because she can challenge me without exactly being judgmental about it. I think she is 9w8.