I've had a stalker of the rejected variety. In my case (like yours) there was also a danger of being killed. The detective who worked with me said that stalker has every sign of being a future murderer.
Law enforcement can be helpful or not. It is truly the luck of the draw. I made reports to officers who called me a liar and I made reports to officers who were extremely compassionate.
If you have somehow gotten a bad reputation with the police or legal system, you will have more difficulty. I was able to obtain a restraining order and the stalker was convicted of a felony, having assaulted me. The conviction was very difficult to win, as the stalker is a charming, outgoing type of person (he is clearly an undiagnosed sociopath and most likely an ESFJ, as far as I can tell). The case was nearly tossed out and I had to research the law myself and inform the prosecuting attorney of a loophole that eventually allowed us to win. If I had not been the type of person to do my own research and self-advocate, this person would never have been convicted. Pretty sad, in my opinion. I lost a lot of trust in authority in this process. I found it sick how the defense attorneys high-fived each other after a small victory... it was just a game to them, and my life and my family's safety was on the line.
There's only so much the legal system can do. I've also had to "disappear"and change my name to protect myself further. I'll probably have to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.