Psychopathy vs. sociopathy
Hare writes that the difference between sociopathy and psychopathy may "reflect the user's views on the origins and determinates of the disorder."[51]
In the preface to the fifth edition of The Mask of Sanity, Cleckly stated, "... revisions of the nomenclature have been made by the American Psychiatric Association. The classification of psychopathic personality was changed to that of sociopathic personality in 1958", suggesting that he did not recognise any difference between the conditions.
David T. Lykken proposes psychopathy and sociopathy are two distinct kinds of antisocial personality disorder. He believes psychopaths are born with temperamental differences such as impulsivity, cortical underarousal, and fearlessness that lead them to risk-seeking behavior and an inability to internalize social norms. On the other hand, he claims sociopaths have relatively normal temperaments; their personality disorder being more an effect of negative sociological factors like parental neglect, delinquent peers, poverty, and extremely low or extremely high intelligence. Both personality disorders are the result of an interaction between genetic predispositions and environmental factors, but psychopathy leans towards the hereditary whereas sociopathy tends towards the environmental.[46]
Taken from wikipedia.
What would you prefer? be a psychopath or a sociopath?
It's like that question that an author asked once "What would you prefer? Knowing a fairy tale exists and you can't participate, or not knowing it at all?".
The difference here, is that it's not a fairy tale - and you wouldn't care knowing "feelings" at all.
I liked a quote by Sherlock Holmes as portrayed in the new show by BBC called "Sherlock":
"I am not a psychopath! I'm a high functioning sociopath!"
I'd prefer psychopathy, because then I wouldn't hurt people I loved before.
Also it's quite interesting because I think INTP's lean towards sociopathy more than other types (possibly because it's quite attractive to be objective all the time).