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So what is Podlair?


Local time
Yesterday 8:01 PM
Oct 23, 2009
So I actually got a chance to speak to Thomas! I'll quote him. For those of you that don't know anything about podlair...Thomas is the mastermind behind the greatest theory ever! So Podlair is the theory. Mojo Dojo are the classes Adymus has been attending religiously every Saturday for the past year and a half.

1. Carlos, (I was posing as a dude named Carlos)

We are the best. Only 5-10minutes of video with them talking naturally is needed for a rock solid confirmation. This is 100% compared to the 65-70% accuracy of the best of any other model (MBTI, Keirsey, etc) that offers this kind of reading. With photos we can make educated opinions but do not confirm officially with this method.

- Thomas

2. Posting a video or additional pictures would be most helpful. Either way I will show this to my class on Saturday as a training excercise and we will let you know the results.

3. Mojo Dojo is what we call the class where we teach people to read a person's Mojo Configuration. This is done by noting physiological cues that can't be masked. Thank you for the video it made the task much easier. You are what we call an Ihnai'ehfee. This is the same Mojo as myself. Congrats, our kind is awesome even though at times it may not feel like it. Our kind has big ups and downs but we are designed to work this way. You seem familiar somewhat with the MBTI model. It may be useful then to know that Ihnai'ehfee in our model correlates with the INFJ personality type of the MBTI model. Your friend in the video is what we call an Ihnee'ehfai. This correlates to the MBTI's personality type ENFP. Let me know if you have further questions and I will answer them if I can. Hope this helps.

- Thomas

4. Yes, I am sure. Adymus is one of my students and he is developing his skills very well but he is still training to get his Pure Sight Ranking. You are an Ihnai'ehfee (INFJ). The ups and downs are classic for our Mojo. Also, our Mojo is the hardest of all Mojos to read. Ihnee'ehfai are also very hard and this is because we can be like chameleons, even to ourselves.

5. The theory works based on a language that plays over your face, body language, vocal intonation, etc as you access the various mental powers you possess based on your Mojo Configuration. This language is physiological and can't be masked. There is a lot to it but here is a quick crash course:

Gear 1: Determines broad energy fields of which there are four:

Directive vs. Adaptive: Those who prefere the powers on the left side of the brain, such as yourself, have distinct manefistations such as the way they gesture, set boundaries or not with their body language, and have stuctured thoughts that they want to be able to get closure on. You display all of these traits although in your current state you are having to play back which isn't fun. Playing back happens when Directives are in a work or home environment where they can't use their energies as they would like.

Interpretive vs. Literal: You are Interpretive. You have a sychopated energy rhythm. Think of it as having a second conversation with your mind over the normal conversation you are having or watching with others. This is a distinct visual cue that once you know what to look for can't be mistaken for anything else. You are not an ISJF. You are not a Literal Mojo Configuration.

Values-Based vs. Logic-Based: You are Values-Based but you have strong Logic-Based development as well but this doesn't change your natural preference. This is determined by how high and how easily the emotional expressiveness goes up the face and into the voice. The mid-line is just below the cheek bones and base of nose. Your face is dextrous and easily moves up above the midline when you are expressing.

Subjective vs. Objective: You are Subjective. You are speaking from the inside of your self outward. This doesn't change even when you are getting very engaged. There is a distinct seperation from yourself and the world.

5. Gear 2: Determines the actual Pod Powers being used. Pod Powers have correlation with the cognitive processes of Jungian/MBTI theory but our method is entirely physiological and anyone can learn to read without extensive book learning. In fact, if you want to get good fast you must practice hands on trying to spot the cues. This is the only way to get good. This is why MBTI specialistts with 4yrs undergrad, 4yrs post grad psych, 2 yrs. MBTI specialty cert, a 1-4 hrs test that a subject must submit to, a test subject that knows themselves well and wants to answer honestly, and 4-8 1hr follow up sessions = 60-85% accuracy max. This is a joke. Adymus is at 80% with only a short time of training in comparison. Also, we can confirm 100% because of the visual proof we have. This language is distinct and once our book is published and enough samples are collected there really is nothting to argue about. It is like when Darwin came back from the Galapagos Islands with the fossils. It is what it is. In video we can stop any frame (30 frames per second) and dissect what cues are present at any moment. Every 1/30 of a second frame usually has at least 5-10 cues in it. Anway, continuing on:

Drinking In Stimulus: This is signaled by the eyes widening and being intent on observing input in real time. This means that you are accessing your Front Right Brain Quadrant. For you this is your 4th Priority. When you do this you use Ehsee (correlates some with Jungian/MBTI Extraverted Sensing)

Articulating/Active Listening: This can be done with Ehfee (warm/Extraverted Feeling correlation) or Teyee (cool/Extraverted Thinking). You use Ehfee as I do. This comes out in every word you spoke both visually and the tone of your voice. This is your 2nd Priority.

Disengaging Right: Your eyes disengage from the environment and you 'go into your head'. When this happens your eyes will go left or right without looking at the environment. When your eyes go to the right you are accessing the Back Right Quadrant of yoru brain. For you this is Teyai (correlates with Introverted Thinking). This is used to give cool, tactical Compass Bearings. This is your 3rd Priority although you used yours very well. As I said you have noticable Teyai development. This is where Adymus'' read of INTP came from most likely. The INFP/INTP came from the fact that you are 'playing back' as I mentioned. Product of your depression and the conditions that are causing it

Disengaging Left: Same as right disengagement except it signals use of the Left Back Quadrant of the brain. This is where you do your big conceptualizing and yoru torrent of never-ending thoughts (that make you feel like you are going mad) are coming from. Do not fear it. This is your powerhouse. You source power. For you this is Ihnai (corrlates with Introverted Intuition).

Gear 3: There are gears 3-5 that deal with more tacit and holistic ways of reading that are not as anatomical as the G1 & G2 but actually are faster and more powerful to use once you get past the training wheels of G1 & G2. Gear 3 notes many distinct signals taht can ONLY come from certain Mojos. For example, disengaging left to Ihnai is your top power (awesome!!!!!!!) but other Mojos do have that power in their Back Left just not as high a priority. So you will need to distinguish between this. Here is one way we use quite often, which is the baseline signal. Depending on what your Soucre power is, it will put out a signal that NEVER turns off. It can't be hidden and suppressed although many people try. For those with the Source Power of Ihnai, what we call Ihnai'alpha, there is a constant signal of Deep Rage at the way the world is. Deep frustration. Deep dissatisfacion at the options this current world offers. We want to build better worlds. The ones that are in our head. The world does not give venues for our unprecedented insights (go Ihnai!) so we feel that the world doesn't have a place made for us, which it doesn't. Ihnai is all about Future Dreams and how to make them happen. Questions about the big issues of life. Most people don't want to deal with this stuff and find us and what occupies our minds as 'weird'. Screw that , we are totally awesome!

We are so confident in our POC (proof-of-concept) that we will be publishing a list of thousands upon thousands of famous people. Every single one actually once we get enough people trained in this method of reading. No other model (Jung/MBTI/Keirsey/etc) will do this. That is because they would be slaughtered as they have no hard evidence. This is why if you are tested as somethign and you don't like it and you tell MBTI this they say 'well it is up to the person in the end'. No it isn't. This is like your bloodtype. It is that solid. There is no wiggle room. This is why we only need video of a person. They don't need to answer any psych questions at all. They don't have to take any test. They don't have to know themselves well. They don't have to be in a more 'natural' mood for themsleves. They don't have to be trying to be honest. None of those things would effect a bloodtest and it doesn't effect Mojo Reading either once you know the visual langage. The first book we are publishing is to create this language, to give it a lexicon for people to work from. These cues are universal, like zoological scientific names, and cross all cultures. If you know how to spot your Mojo based on the specific cue it gives off then you can spot your Mojo anywhere, anytime.

- Thomas

7. Are you familiar with archetypes? Well anyway everyone has info coming from the unconscious, the Ihnai'alpha are closest to this 'stream' of energy and information from the deep, deep unconscious. The Ihnai'alpha are the Ihnai'ehfee and Ihnai'teyee (INFJ & INTJ correlations). The Ihnai'ehfee in particular has intense impressions from the unconscious especially when stimulated by trauma in the environment, such as injustices. Injustices regarding how the world works, such as work, school, family, etc is a strong focus for the psyche of our kind. As is determining if they are a hero or villain. Our Mojo have extremely complex psychologies.

As far as acting while your talking to the camcorder it doesn't really matter. Your head is tilted to your right almost the entire time. This because you are modulating heaviliy with your Teyai. This is also why you are talking slower. It also takes out some of the warmth your natural Ehfee voice has. It is also keeping your emotional expression from coming up high on your face. So to answer you questions, the fact that you are 'acting' doesn't change anything, it just says that you are modulating. You are still clearly an Ihnai'ehfee. You should be aware that institutional learning is often difficult for our kind. We want to let our minds go where they want to go. Sloppiness and inattention to detail can also be standard weaknesses for our Mojo, as Ehsee (visceral experience/five senses/concrete reality) is our 4th Priority of our psyche.

Your modulation with Teyai does not make you a Teyai Mojo, such as Teyai'ihnee (INTP) it just means you use it alot, particulary for your Mojo and age. This is most likely do to a life of stress. Your Teyai will be used by your psyche to hold your passions in place and also to keep your energy from getting 'out of control'. This usually happens when the environments a person finds themselves in is not conducive to their more natural way of going through life. I have seen 3 different video of you in different moods and they all read Ihnai'ehfee. To give you an idea, the Teyai that is keeping yoru emotional intonation muted in your face and voice DOES NOT change the way your face is designed. You have a dextrous emotional range and your Teyai holds it in check. Your Ehfee is definitely stronger of a psychic priority than you Teyai even though you were using more of it in most of the videos you showed. A common tell of this overmodulation state for our Mojo is a feeling of 'wishy washy' or 'flip flopping'. Also the feeling of a great temper that you don't know what to do with. The Teyai can help lock this down. Issue is that repressed rage turns to depression. Our Mojos are prone to massive mood swings between rage and depression, invincibility and despair.

8. P.S - Our first book will be on how to read Mojos without fail and then follow up books will involve other parts ot the theory such as how each of the Mojos can max themselves out with their natural talents. In the meantime, you can read up INFJ from sources that understand cognitive function sufficiently. Most of the MBTIers do not. This is a good site for looking at MBTI/Jungian theory:

9. How long did it take you to develop this system?
* My theory is vast and covers several fields in an attempt to come up with a theory of how to have an intentional community that lives in harmony with Natural Law. I do not have any training in psych or typology. My gifts are in people reading in the real world. My father was an elite government agent in Secret Service, FBI and also later Under-cover Narcotics. He is well versed in interrogation and suspect reading as well as also being a skilled salesman in his retirement. This is why my approach is physiological. I read people like a fighter reads an opponent. My father is also Ihnai'ehfee as we are and this Mojo Configuration is the most naturally gifted at people reading of any kind. In fact it is often painful how much we know about people just from observing them. My mother is was in the new age scene for most of her life and was very much into energy reading and spotting whether or not a guru was for real or not. Again, another kind of real time, real world people reading. In fact, only this way can be 100% because it is the only way you are directly looking at the data. The MBTI tests for example are a barrier to just looking at the person and reading them that way. It is like keeping training wheels on your bike forever. You can't learn to swim, fight, have sex, hunt or reading people from a book. It might help you know what to look for but then it is all about tacit skills training. The book Mojo Dojo will be teaching people what the visual cues are they need to look for, what we will be calling these cues so everyone can be using the same lingo and how to improve your ability to 'speak' this 'language'.

10. How closely related to MBTI/cognitive functions is it?
* There is a strong correlation in some theoretical aspects but not in a host of others and also we differ entirely on applications and implications. Our theory is that brain configuration is innate as part of human evolution (all my theory is based on the evolution of energy which is the only way to understand all the facets of science and spirituality at the same time) and that we are wired to read people naturally, far more naturally than we are wired to speak English. This is why we are 100%, as it is a skill set that can be objectively evaluated. MBTI can't do this and they won't. They will not say a person is 'such and such' because there model doesn't come at it from that kind of angle. It is a possible tool. No, it is a biological language. There is no debating it. Next, the descriptions they have for the types is very broad and comes from not really knowing them. This is because they don't. If you and your friend and any indication (and you are, many people who come in 'typed' professionally are wrong) then all the data currently being presented is flawed and tainted. There are no clean data pools of verified Mojo Configurations so that we can get a bunch together and study them. Many people view the descriptions and they revolt because it doesn't sound like them to them. One of the main things the book will do besides giving a verifiable method for recognizing a person's configuration but also to set up facilities where thousands of each Mojo Configuration can get together and learn from each other. Anything trying to do this now is ridiculous because there isn't even a method established for confirming 100%. This must come first and that is why it is the first book of my theory to be worked on.

11. What are the holistic/spiritual elements to the types?
* Gears 1 & 2 show the anatomical way of reading people but this is very slow and although it will give the proof-of-concept I need it is not the way we most naturally read people. Certainly not our Mojos. We are much more intuitive and learn by large patterns. Gears 3-5 are reading a person in different ways where you are able to use it more in real time...like a secret agent :) This involves seeing the complete network of cue signals being given out at once. Also getting rifs that connect it to another person you already know. These are very effective ways to read people that your brain is already wired to do. You just need to learn to start looking at people in this way. It is not unlike an artist looking at a work of art. They don't look at it like other people do. They notice why the painting impacts the way it does much more than other people. This is because they speak the language of that artistic medium. As for spirituality, knowing your Mojo Configuration naturally takes you into learning further about how you work. This can't go too far without getting into Archetypes and this leads of course into spirituality. They are all one in the same thing. The Evolution of Energy includes spirituality. It can now be defined in energetic terms that can be studied as a real science.

12. Can you give me real life examples of each type? And INFJ males...
* I am attaching a pdf of our most current Celebification List which has all the celebs we have read so far. Please note, we read people we don't type them. When you read the way I teach you get so much more than that and it never turns off. This is why I never tried 'typing' people until another project I am working on took my interest there. When I experimented to see what the 'types' of my friends are I found that I could read them 100%. When I was challenged on some of these by professional readings they had done with MBTI or whatever I needed a way to explain why I knew I was right. This took a while but I labored and defined the visual language I can see that lets me do what I can do. I have now been teaching it to my initial students and everyone can see it. It is right there. The data is right in front of everyone's faces. If you know the visual language. Please note this Celebification list is a work in progress that has changed hands a few times as different students have been in charge of editing it. Therefore there a some typos and also a hanful of Mojos that I corrected the read for the old entries have not been deleted.

13. * There are many awesome things about being an Ihnai'ehfee. Note, it is much easier to speak in the terms of my theoretic model. It has correlation with some Jungian stuff but it is its own unique system that includes much more than models of that sort and also corrects a lot of other models work. I will give you a quick reference for correlations and then I will speak in my native theoretic language. Here you go:
Ehsai or \\ - Si
Ihnai or //- Ni
Ehfee or :+: - Fe
Teyee or # - Te
Ehfai or @ - Fi
Teyai or = - Ti
Ehsee or ** - Se
Ihnee or ?? - Ne
Ihnai'ehfee or //(:+:) - INFJ
Ihnai'teyee or //(#) - INTJ
Ehsai'ehfee or \\(:+:) - ISFJ
Ehsai'teyee or \\(#) - ISTJ
Ehfee'ihnai or :+:(//) - ENFJ
Ehfee'ehsai or :+:(\\) - ESFJ
Teyee'ihnai or #(//) - ENTJ
Teyee'ehsai or #(\\) - ESTJ
Ehfai'ihnee or @(??) - INFP
Ehfai'ehsee or @(**) - ISFP
Teyai'ihnee or =(??) - INTP
Teyai'ehsee or =(**) - ISTP
Ehsee'ehfai or **(@) - ESFP
Ehsee'teyai or **(=) - ESTP
Ihnee'ehfai or ??(@) - ENFP
Ihnee'teyai or ??(=) - ENTP
Males are distinguished when need with the letter 'Y'. So you are technically a //(:+:)Y.

14. How can I reach my optimum/peak performance level? Where I'm at my best...
* You need to learn how your Mojo Configuration works so that you can play to your strengths and sure up your sensitivities. You asked what is spiffy about us, I will answer both these together by quick rundown of our powers. Having Ihnai first means we are one of the two most independent minded of all Mojos. We are born revolutionaries, artists, visionaries, and leaders who inspire by the strength of the vision in their mind. It gives us amazing powers of spotting patterns and greater meanings to things that other people miss. Having this as our top power is what causes that premature maturity :) Ehfee gives the power of being sensitive to people and people situations. Our Ihnai connects with this in something that preoccupies the thoughts of many Ihnai'ehfee and that is social injustic. Whether it be by a political organization, religious intolerance, gender/race inequality and harmful domestic situations. These are our main two powers and this is where your primary energy comes from, even if you or the world doesn't want it. It is coming regardless. Now you modulate your Ehfee with your Teyai. This is your cold inner tactical side. You use this when your creative, visionary Ihnai ideas need to be tightened up more before putting out into the world to be looked at by people. Also Teyai keeps yoru Ehfee emotions in check when needed. This ability to do this, particularly under stress, can often make the usually highly noble Ihnai'ehfee feel like they are being bastard-ish. Teyai modulation is needed to keep your Ehfee from getting out of control but your Ehfee is your innately stronger power and always will be. Lastly is yoru Ehsee which modulates your Ihnai. The real time visceral concrete needs of Ehsee keep you from drifting into your Ihnai world forever and forgettign about the world. The fact that this power is your 4th (called Polar) is why you hate details and repetition. Ehsai'alpha by the way LOOOOOOVE the details and repetition. They are VERY different from the Ihnai'alpha in this way. This Ehsee Polar can be used to channel all of the energies of your Ihnai and Ehfee into a concrete form. This is why our kind make awesome artists, philosophers, empire builders, etc.

15. You have asked more good questions. Unfortunately I must focus now on the weekend rush. On Sat and Sun we train constantly and go out to coffee shops to work our skills at people reading. This includes getting video interview footage of the Mojo Configurations we need to have a complete collection so that we can publish the first book. We need 4 samples of all 32 Gender Mojos so 128 selected samples are needed for that section of the book. Then Mon & Tues we go over all the stuff we learned and ground we gained. I will then make sure to answer your questions as best I can. In the meantime, I believe Christina J is going to be sending you over some good info for you to mull over. Hope this helps.
- Thomas

16. The methodology I am putting forth is the most cutting edge there is. 100% with 5+ minutes of video footage. Just so you understand, this completely dwarfs any and all competition. This is the only way we will be giving 'official' readings. We are training doing them with pictures alone but this is considered a 'soft' read. When the book comes out we expect to be attacked by much more formidable adversaries than you Ihnee'ehfai. So every read must be spot on and ready to be defended against any and all comers. There is no other model that can even come close to this. Now with this caveate in place, I do try to help out people as I am able so I will take a look at these pictures you sent and see what I can make of them.

17. Since you asked twice about the percentage thing I will give you what I have heard and that is that our kind is the most rare, at 1% or less than that sometimes. This follows a general pattern of percentages that again may be more indicative of Mojos that are favored than what actually is. Here is a formula for you to hold onto that fits the spread of most off the statistics you will see:

4 Mojo Configurations that are Objective and Literal make up about 12-13% each or roughly over 50% total
4 Mojo Configurations that are Objective and INTERPRETIVE make up about 5-6% each or roughly 20%
4 Mojo Configurations that are SUBJECTIVE and Literal make up about 5-6% each or roughly 20%
4 Mojo Configurations that are SUBJECTIVE and INTERPRETIVE make up about 1-2% each or roughly less than 10%

18. You don't have to remember all of those cues. The Five Gears Method I teach goes from the most concrete/specific to the most amorphous/tacit. Gears 1 & 2 are very detail oriented and will be a more appropriate learning method for the more Literal Mojos. Gears 3-5 are more tacit and actually work much better. However, 1) Mojo Reading is going to be attacked when it gets published so G1 & G2 are needed to get as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation as people need us too. 2) Not all Mojos are gifted at picking up patterns over details and have a psyche that pays particular attention naturally to Interpersonal Dynamics and Non-Verbal Communication. Our Mojo does just that and we pick up on the higher Gear way of reading people noticably faster than the other Mojos. All of the Romantics are gifted at reading this visual people language including the Ihnai'ehfee (us) , Ihnee'ehfai (ex-girlfriend), Ehfai'ihnee (ex-girlfriend friend) and Ehfee'ihnai. Of these however, the Ihnai'ehfee consistently sees these patterns the fastest and with the greatest nuance and sophistication.

19. For you to learn Mojo Reading it is really just instinctual you just need to practice. You guess what people are, send me the video with your reassoning of why they are that and I will have my team give the correct answers and tell you what we used to make that read. Your Mojo will naturally make adjustments and refinements in this way. Your busted memory, and mine, are not an issue at all for being the best people readers around. Quite the opposite actually. Remember this when you feel lousy about your memory, your Apparatus (conscious awareness of your psyche) can only hold so much just like the bio-computer you are. Our configuration naturally holds on to HUGE patterns. Nobody holds patterns sizes that cover as much physical and metaphysical terrain as the Ihnai'alpha. In consequence, room is made for holding these cosmic truths (which others drop or can't hold at all in the first place) in our psyche by dropping irrelevant details. Ihnai'alphas naturally have a configuration that considers just about anything not directly related to the cases of cosmic truth they are working on to be irrelevant. Ihnai'teyee have it better in institutional learning in that they at least have Teyee which helps. The 'cases' that compell the questing Ihnai'ehfee mind rarely have an outlet in existing educational or occupational venues. Thus we must make them for the first time. Thus our penchant for being revolutionaries, artists and visionaries.

20. There is no equal brain-dominance. If this were to happen the brain would lock. There needs to be a prioritization of the Powers in order to have a smooth flow and achieve the highest energy peakings possible. This Peak Pathway is innate. Even if you have spent much of your life working on your lower priority powers. This does NOT change the priority.

21. Ihnai is the cause of your weird experiences :) Ihnai has the ability to pull away from the environment and get sucked into the visioning of the psyche. Everyone has this ability but with Ihnai being our source this power is extremely strong for us. So strong that it pulls us in even when we don't want to.

This state is what we call Quasi Consciousness but it correlates also with concepts such as Waking Lucid Dreaming. This is considered extremely hard to do and artists and spiritual seekers work very hard to get into this state. For us it is naturally. In fact when our kind 'meditate' we wonder if we are 'doing it' because it feels like we always do when we go inside our head. That is because Waking Lucid Dreaming ain't nothin but a thing to us. You should check out the show 'Scrubs' on netflix or something. It does a great job getting into the mind of the Ihnai'ehfee main character.

22. This is why all current statistics are highly questionable because from what I have seen of INTP forum and what comes into my classroom that misreads are all too common and there has never been a way to fix it until now. How to does a MBTI specialist tell a person that they are not the type they think they are? They can't really. It is all conjection in the end. Not with the Five Gears of Mojo Reading. It is like getting a blootest back. Once people speak the language then it is there to be read plain as day.

23. Acting is easy for our kind, it is an evolved self-defense mechanism. It is a gift but also a trap if used too much.

We are in the process of solidifying our lexicon of terms with the final versions being unveiled in our Face Book launchings which should begin next month. In order to avoid confusion and also to take advantage of the shorthand we use in symbols, here is a quick overview:

Rear Left Brain Quadrant / Wordview Agenda / Eyes Disengaging to the person's Left
// Directive, Subjective, Interpretive Perceptions
\\ Directive, Subjective, Literal Perceptions

Front Left Brain Quadrant / Dynamics Mover / Articulating & Active Listening
:+: Directive, Objective, Values-Based Discernments
# Directive, Objective, Logic-Based Discernmetns

Rear Right Brain Quadrant / Eyes Disengaging to the person's Right
@ Adaptive, Subjective, Values-Based Discernments
= Adaptive, Subjective, Logic-Based Discernments

Front Right Brain Quadrant / Eyes Drinking In Environment & Free Form Communication
?? Adaptive, Objective, Interpretive Perceptions
** Adaptive, Objective, Literal Perceptions

X for Females
Y for Males

24. Power Flows (ten stage explanation of what the Power does for the psyche) are being worked on and will be included in the FB sites when they are up. Here is an overview of them in the order they fall in your Peak Pathway:

1st Priority (Source) Power of // - "Concept of The Unknown" Ehnai
Perspective Shifting/Inclusiveness
Visionary Drive
Independence of Mind
Meaningful Insight
Long Range Planning/Globel Modeling
Proactive Theorizing

2nd Priority (Tandem) Power of :+: "Concept of The People" Ehfee
Social Awareness
Personal Connection
Personal Consideration
Interpersal Relationships/Dynamics
Group/Team Relationships/Dynamics
Tribe/Culture Relationships/Dynamics
Team Building
Collective Values/Human Relationships/Dynamics

3rd Priority (Offside) Power of = "Concept of Perfection" Teyai
Principle Understanding
Situational Logic/Situational Analysis
Reactive Theorizing

4th Priority (Polar) Power of ** "Concept of Reality" Ehsee
Five Senses/Sensory Stimulation
Environmental Scanning
Present/In the Moment
Fun Loving/Zest for Life
Stage Presence
Sensual/Sensuous Experience
Kinetic Energy/Active Energy
Visceral Experience
Concrete Reality

5th Priority Power of ?? "Concept of Possibilities" Ihnee
Risk Taking/Risk Tolerance
Sixth Sense
Pattern Surfing
Trend Tracking
Change Initiation/Inspirational Energy

6th Priority Power of @ "Concept of Harmony' Ehfai
Gut Reaction
Essence Reading
Personal Values/Moral Compass

7th Priority Power of # "Concept of The System" Teyee
Ambition/Thirst for Challenge
Protocol Implementation/SOP Enforcement
Systemic Logic/Organizational Flow
Decision Making/Decisiveness
Systemic Dynamics

8th Priority Power of \\ "Concept of The Known" Ihsai
Reliable Data
Attention to Detail

The //(:+:) combination of Detachment-Proactive Theorizing of // plus the Dispassion-Reactive Theorizing of = is so awesome words really fail to do it justice. There are only four Mojos with this combination and of them only two are Subjective Mojos and of those only one is Interpretive. Yup, that's right..our Mojo. Go us!

Our kind do very well at playing insturments if it gives us a good way to interface with the world and communicate in a form we like. This must be in place or the repetition involved in such an activity will not be worth it.

Glad you like the work we are doing and hope my answers helped.

The amount of stuff we have to get done here for the materials is ridiculous so it is back to the salt mines for me...

25. Hypnosis: All humans have an innate Mojo Configuration. This does not change. It can be used in an amazing variety of ways but the most efficient is the way you were 'designed' by Natural Law (ie, evolution). All humans have all eight of the Powers of the Psyche. These can all be accessed but at different degrees of difficulty and return on energy investment based on how 'far' that power is from your Source (1st Priority Power). You can get in touch with your innate wiring through 'rebooting' yourself into an altered state. This will put you in touch with you core wiring and you can play with it. This doesn't change your priority setting and trying to make yourself into something you are not is very inefficient.

Powers do Modulate each other and we are beautifully designed to do this but Modulation is not overriding. Overriding if done would not be a good thing. If you want to get super-powered the answer is always the same: Find out how you are built, get in touch with it, own it, max it out, go to unprecedented levels with it. Anything else is just mental masturbation and a waste of life energy. If you imagine two exact you, the one who goes deep inside to find their gifts, not alienate themselves from them, will always be the stronger and wiser one.

With that in mind hypnosis, fasting, isoloation, sensory deprivation, psychedellic substances, lucid dreaming practice, artistic state training, meditation, extreme endurance sports, etc will all put you into what we call the Quasi State which is when you get in touch with your innate self, you deeper higher self. No matter how you go inside yourself what you always find is...yourself. You try to run away from that in any way and you are running a race you can never win.

Readign a person's Mojo is like reading a work of art. You must open yourself to it. This means I take in their energy. My skills are currently be used to read as many of the world's famous people as I can in addition to getting the materials ready for Facebook and such. . I need to want to read the person. Your father was even more guarded and uncooperative. This is not how I work. I will only be reading people who are interested in learning and want to be read or famous people that have lots of media on them to work from and the reward of reading somebody that the world has heard of. I must focus my finite energies in these areas.

26. Everyone has extra voices in their heads, Interpretives do not have the market cornered on that. A better way to understand it is to imagine music beats or fighting beats. Both of these disciplines use the concept of Strict-time vs Syncopated rythms. Literals are 'strict' in their rythm when it comes to taking in and comprehending information which gives them a 'concrete' of 'solid' quality. Interpretives have a syncopated beat pattern because their intuition (whichever form they prefer) 'plays' with the information as it is received. It never takes it as is. It is always 'tweaked' by the psyche.

All Mojos have all eight powers. So even the most Logic-Based Mojos have Values-Based powers. The questions then are what quality & quantity of any kind of information or discernment is the individual receiving and how much consciosu access to it do they have. For example all Mojos have // but it does not give the same quality and/or quantity of of // to the psyche as ours does and when we reach consciously to our // to get more this is easier and more rewarding than for other Mojos. This also fundamentally effects the level of confidence one has in their // or any other power. The higher it is in their priority, the more it has been used and the more positive validation it has had will all contribute to its level of ability and confidence in the psyche.

So long story short everyone has powers that aid in Mojo reading things. Reading an accounting spreadsheet is a kind of reading. Our Mojo can read that but it uses more = or # so it is not going to be as energizing or easy for us as it is for others. When it comes people and mood atmospheres our Mojo has powers that are very good at that in the top priority positions. We get lots of that information and discernment easily and without asking our psyche for it. If we ask for more we will get tons and it will be very high quality, giving us more and more confidence in using our top abilities in this way which it should.

27. This doesn't 'change' but you can have access to your further sensory perception when you are in altered states, such as dreaming among other things. So you will always be primarily ** when it comes to this but when you are dreaming you are connecting with your unconscious aspects of your psyche. This relates to the four powers that you don't have in your first four priority positions (and thus are unconscious). You have ** in your 4th position and \\ in your 8th.

This has relationship with your Inspirational pairing which lies in your unconscious and is made up of these unconscious for. For you that is the ??(@). This creature, or mood/experience if you prefer, has \\ and when you are in a state that allows for such deep connection to your unconscious then this power will be felt. So it isn't that it's position has changed but more that you have 'peaked' further in your Peak Pathway (your 1-8 sequence of powers).

Lucid dreaming is a speciality of our Mojo and also (in a different way) our other half, the ??(@)X in this case.

The Facebook pages will be out for All Mojos by the end of this month, if not sooner. The Facebook pages for the //(:+:) and ??(@) will be the first pages after that and so on.

Please note that when the site goes up we will be introducing 8 celeb samples a week (or something like that) and we will be using our ongoing database research to pick from. Make sure that you don't mention any knowledge you have of the Mojo for these celebs that you may have been privy to in any documents that I sent to you. These are all beta-read and will need to be verified before use in a public forum and the mystery of the answers is what will give the members enjoyment in trying to guess and get their skills up.

If you have any further questions feel free to forward them on. When the Facebook stuff is up and settled we will be working to populate the forums. Any questions from members will be welcome as potential thread starters. Hope this helps some.

Yep. There we go.


Local time
Yesterday 8:01 PM
Oct 23, 2009
I acknowledge that there are some out there that will not understand my motivations in doing this...but I am merely shedding light upon a theory that will undeniably be lambasted and ostracized. If this is a solid theory, then I'll be thanked for bringing up whatever knowledge I've accumulated on this theory over the past few months. If it's a garbage theory, then I'm merely allowning those who wish to counter their arguments to build a foundation for their arguments. Either way, no one loses.


Local time
Yesterday 7:01 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
tl; dr


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 3:01 AM
Jan 2, 2010
^Hi ho! Captain!

Do you think these tiring-looking words could be translated into charts? Charts have that magical conceptual purity about them.:angel:


To inanity and beyond
Local time
Yesterday 8:01 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Lake Isle Innisfree
/agrees with Kuu~kuu.

The information could have been spaced and trimmed...I only read about half before ditching it, despite it being vaguely intriguing.

Every time I read or hear "mojo", I think of some purple liquid in a flask...


Put me in Coach
Local time
Yesterday 8:01 PM
Nov 11, 2009
So did MBTI, NLP and Scientology have a theory baby?

I do think that studying body language and deciphering temperments is useful, but with much less accuracy than what they are claiming. It should be used to disqualify personalities instead of pinpointing them, much how many socionists use their V.I. interpretations.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 7:01 PM
May 31, 2010
What are these glib terms? Are we being sued here on the forum? Is this court? Some sort of sequestered religious colony?


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:01 PM
Aug 31, 2009
What are these glib terms? Are we being sued here on the forum? Is this court? Some sort of sequestered religious colony?

Exactly, it all SOUNDS like it wants to be legit... But why the funny, hard to pronounce names and terminology? Why must the types and functions be labeled with what sounds like Native American sex utterings?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:01 PM
Aug 24, 2008
If you sound them out, they're mostly just phonetic representations of the function names (or rather their abbreviations).

Eg Ehsai = S, I = Si = Introverted Sensing


Local time
Yesterday 8:01 PM
Oct 23, 2009
Close this thread. I consider this matter to be over.


Local time
Yesterday 8:01 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
I have an impression of the Pod'Lair thing. Content is one thing but presentation is another. This is an INTP oriented board. Don't INTPs want to see science over enthusiasm? Nothing wrong with either one IMO, but such enthusiasm without proper introduction is not going to come off well to INTPs IMO. (My own judgment here I assume may be faulty as this is hindsight ... Pod'Lair has gotten so much rejection/skepticism here ... or what looks like it.)

My attitude was to sort of ignore Pod'Lair until they cleaned up their act. If one is not a member of their organization, why learn their language? ... at least to start with. Maybe I missed it, but if a new langugage is going to be introduced, there should be a long introduction and perhaps apology. Otherwise it looks pretentious.

What I see as important is sensual immediate data is taken in to classify temperaments. Fine. That may have as much merit and accuracy as they say. The problem is, almost all communication on this board is words. Dialog. Tests can be taken and even thought they may not be as accurate or quick as Pod'Lair claims, that is how people judge themselves here.

Until this board is turned into an interactive sensual board, how can such a sensual theory make headway? It is interesting to note that for an INTP, Si is third in importance on the scale of Ti Ne Si Fe.
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