*Silent antagonist*
Almost four in the morning, I can't sleep, peace is denied of me.
I'm searching, clawing through words and shapes, devouring the slivers of thought. All decency has left me.Everything.
Every post he ever made, every pm, every god damn poem, text, recording, email, untamed thought, expression of joy, despair, warnings, so many warnings! Every scrap of soul in this place, gutted!
What has this forum done to me? I feel it, like spiders know the rain, I'm already dead, just waiting on the threads to snap.
I'm searching, clawing through words and shapes, devouring the slivers of thought. All decency has left me.Everything.
Every post he ever made, every pm, every god damn poem, text, recording, email, untamed thought, expression of joy, despair, warnings, so many warnings! Every scrap of soul in this place, gutted!
What has this forum done to me? I feel it, like spiders know the rain, I'm already dead, just waiting on the threads to snap.