Architect, believe me when I say this please. Skyrim is STUPID, in fact it's beyond stupid. It's got a pretty world but 0 substance, the crafting system is moronic, the leveling system is moronic, the combat system is moronic, the balancing is atrocious.
If you're the kind of guy who enjoys progressing you'll like Skyrim at first, that is until you quickly see through it all and realize that its utterly pointless. If you play the game right you will be completely overpowered in a very short time. Play the game a little longer and it's basically over, sure you can keep on forever, but it's just gonna be more of the exact same thing, none of it interested. A very short game for its genre.
Go for New Vegas, the people at Obsidian know what they are doing, and their world and its story is realistic and reflective of reality, their crafting system much simpler but much better, their leveling system is a blessing from the heavens compared to Skyrims, and the combat is actually fun and varied, it's also a better balanced game.
Please stay away from Skyrim, it's an abomination that should only be played by mindless S type tools and people who long for the days of Morrowind and use it as a substitute.
Bethesda must be the most overrated developer of all time, that they are actually called "kings" of open world games is such a joke, they are kings of creating endless empty grinders in colorful but dull settings where nothing is connected or makes sense. God I hate it so much I cba to go into detail. Brb gonna google someone else who has explained this.
Edit: Here you go this guy has got it:
(his argument about guns is kinda weird... the point is that while the guns are all guns they are a lot more varied technically than their respective counterparts in Skyrim, in fact New Vegas even has more varied melee weapons too)
Edit2: Oh and the expansion packs for New Vegas are fantastic and add a ton of great content. Modding New Vegas for nicer gfx is also easier than modding Skyrim, or at least was when I did it.