Sure thing man, didn't think it was that much but it ended having some kind of effect I guess, my point was, that I have tried acid before but it was a long time ago and I may have forgotten entirely but the overall lessons were the same only then I just added a paragraph or two to a facebook post and called it a day but was overall satisfied with the results, at the time. Wasn't sure what I did back then but this time we mixed it with some weed so it was kind of different I think. The trip didn't make sense which is why about half way through I felt I had to consult someone so we put some music on and stuff.
But if I can be serious here for a moment, when I first made this thread I originally meant to say 'should I do acid again', and hoped to reach a general conclusion on this point. Surprisingly, it put me into the mood of watching a movie so I considered this in earnest, however, I ended up settling for some music while noticing the visuals kicking in. This accompanied an overall decrease in motor activity but as always, I didn't regret it. As was expected I enjoyed immense inner exploration before transmogrifying into a more extroverted state. Since I have since accumulated a vast store of knowledge about the LSD intoxication I merely took this to be a good thing because it seemed to be begging me to have some questions answered or at least posed.
Generally, I had heard that out of body experiences were very common off acid, and since that topic has been entering my area of research lately, I felt I had to take the plunge. OOBEs have been said to be linked to NDEs as well as the DMT intoxication, so it was suggested that I turn to and revisit LSD for another examination, my initial reports having been considered inconclusive. As such, it wasn't my first choice had mushrooms or anything else been available I probably would have gone with that but acid offered a general more lucrative study opportunity.
However, no OOBEs were successful this time but it is clear that next time more preparation would be needed to see if I can pull one off, and perhaps observing more its effect on sleep and dreams would be worthwhile while at it. One major thing in my life was made clear to me, and having been weaned off pot I figured some obvious life lessons would be in store for me. I won't go and claim that there are any major positive effects but some of the time I had wished I were only on weed or something less intense. Some of its puzzles it offered were interesting but for fear of possible brain damage I would not be willing to conduct further or continued use, as the way it changes, perhaps permanently your brain were somewhat apparent, and as I've previously expressed the positive claims to it were met with a skeptical eye.
On the one hand I couldn't become so excited as the novelty to it was familiar and since it was really early in the day I felt I had been through this already, and was prepared to maybe at least watch a movie I haven't yet seen. What kept me entertained most of the trip however was its similarity to DMT. I had also heard that it could put you into contact with entities so barring my low enough dose it helped put that into context. Unfortunately, it just made me think of the nature of the DMT entity experience instead of trying to focus on what the acid was telling me. I looked at this in accordance with my low chance of scoring another major LSD trip for fear of possible damaging my brain. The flood of serotonin didn't really feel that good, and it wasn't something that I could allow interfering with my life responsibilities.
If there were people around me on acid I wouldn't really mind it, as experience has shown that positive and negative side effects can be considered nearly equal, split down the 50/50, with little consequence whatsoever. The visuals heavily resembled low dose sessions of DMT but with that it seemed there could be a specific meaning to it, whereas with this I merely noted it as being something similar to DMT. You can notice geometric patterns on stuff with pot sometimes but not necessarily anything wavy. But only then, as previously mentioned, I more or less understood it as an area where you can just prepare maybe for an OOBE or inner meditation. So having this on my mind it was a clear night and gazing up at the constellations, you could notice geometric like lathes or lattices connecting the stars, perhaps having something to do with the light, but this is also something that you can see without drugs or even just on weed. I thought this would be interesting to bring up as the constellation Orion looked marvelous, but I just had to hope maybe I could do that next time as this wasn't planned and time seemed to be running short. I hypothesized that maybe some ancient cultures like the Egyptians used it as a tool for their astronomy back then. I thought I remembered hearing something about that but no specific examples.
So long story short I have to further refrain from acting knowledgeable about certain things that I don't have that much experience with, it seemed that would be a wise thing to do. Other than this and general euphoria there aren't really any benefits to it. Some people have died by taking acid and God bless them but this seems to be an unfair stigma placed upon the substance, if anything. There's no point in using drugs as I've said previously but if someone were to spike the punch you shouldn't panic. Because of my current obsessions and life path it would be interesting to see how regular OOBEs are with it and what the implications may be for science. The hippies were wrong and LSD isn't the answer for everything but won't be afraid to read more about it in the future if possible. One possible major test that has yet to be performed is to have any entities give knowledge and answers of our difficult equations to the user so he or she may bring it back to Earth and see if it could help at all however, the actual compatibility this may have with reality is currently unknown, but it would be interesting to see if anything like that could work out. Not too long ago there was a proposed mechanism for entering the DMT hyperspace, since drinking yopo is different. This acid trip just felt like I was too high for too long whereas DMT usually lasts only ten to fifteen minutes on average. All I can say about that now is the overall entity contact may be an ancient technology used to access some kind of prenatal realm that we all come from, so as to reinforce better behavior amongst peers, or to try and breed the perfect, ideal meta human clone.