... I cannot really relate to the fantasie of being raped as sexually arrousing. I wonder why some women (you know well and trust) would.
I suppose there are a lot of fetishy things under the sun ... but the abusing one always puzzled me & somehow makes me wonder about personal issues. (I admit that is a prejudice out of not being able to imagine that sort of arrousal.)
But it might also just have to do with chemics and hormones (as most /neuro/biological and psychological aspects are intertwined).
I mean: it is quite a difference whether you like to sniff boots, rub each other with feces or whipped cream, dress up as nurses or in rubber, crossdress, blindfold each other and use sensory surprises, run around naked in the garden with fairy wings before you have good sex ... versus rape, strangle, whip, pull hair backwards, tie up, put pegs on nipples and some sort of ball on chain in mouth, shout about insults before you have good sex.
It is the difference between turn on in funny surprises and fantasy and play ...versus turn on by hurt and fear, shame, discomfort and helpless-nes (in play context).
I believe you called regular sex vanilla sex or sthing, somewhere I read that. I am not familiar with that term anyway. And you compared it with wanking, that is what it would be like for you.
But maybe some people just don't need al the mambo jambo to get turned on and have briljant sex. That exists as well you know