pharmaceutical companies who pay doctors...
life-support mashines on brain dead people Oo
dubious research methods on animals and humans
Each of these is debatable. Still, even if they are unwise or harmful practices, calling this an "age of perverted medical abuse" seems to gloss over all the good things coming out of medical science, such as, for example, saved lives, saved limbs, transplants, prosthetics, and basically every single other aspect of medical science. Basically, it's far too generalized and far reaching a statement to make as lightly and quickly as you did.
The first item on the list is easily the worst, but it's also ignoring the Hippocratic oath. Yes, some individual doctors may not follow it, but they're the exception, not the rule. Your typical doctor will not proscribe any medicine if he suspects it's not appropriate, even if he may proscribe it instead of a different medicine due to getting more money for doing so. It's not like doctors are out there proscribing anti-depressants to deal with the pain of broken limbs, or anything. The medicine is usually suited to the disease it's treating.
I see no problem with using life-support machines on people who wish to stay alive or when the next of kin wishes it when there is no way of communicating with the patient. Especially in the cases of brain-dead people, it doesn't hurt anyone, it just uses up money that could be used on other things. The problem is when people who are terminally ill and wish to end their suffering are not allowed to do so.
Junkies are a problem regardless how they get whichever drug they're addicted to. I don't know what it has to do with medical science except indirectly (new drugs come from medical science, but this is a matter of use, not it's existence).
I don't really know too much about modern "dubious" animal or human research, except I'd rather the experiments get done on animals than humans.