1. neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family
That's not me. I enjoy having close relationships, even if I'm socially retarded and the only way I can show 'affection' is by being an asshole and having relationships built on cutting each other down.
2. almost always chooses solitary activities
For the most part, but it's not always by choice. I enjoy having a lot of time alone, but I don't shun periods of small social get-togethers (any more than like five people becomes overstimulating).
3. has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person
Not true for me, but I'm good at separating sexual interest and intellectual interest - I don't treat every woman like I want to bang them and every guy like I'm in competition with them, and I'm able to treat people like human beings first. A lot of people seem to have trouble separating sexual interests from the way they treat other people.
4. takes pleasure in few, if any, activities
I have numerous interests. Not sure if it counts as activities, but I like reading, listening to music, going for walks (usually alone), writing (well, I like coming up with stories, but the actual writing can sometimes be a drag).
5. lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives
I don't care for most of my relatives. I'd actually prefer talking to someone not related to me.
6. appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others
Appears, yes. I do actually feel feelings, even if I don't recognize, dignify, or outwardly show them. I enjoy being recognized for things I do well, but I don't actively seek praise.
7. shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affect
Once again, I don't often display emotions, or know what to do with them when they rear their ugly heads, but that doesn't mean I don't feel them.
I often wonder whether people actually think they have personality disorders or some sort of mental illness, or if they just wish they did. One of the biggest myths that seem to crop up around here is that intelligence and insanity are equivalent or at least correlated; INTP's, favoring intellectual pursuits and judging themselves based on their mental acuity will desire to see aspects of intelligence in themselves. INTP's, also favoring uniqueness, seem to get the idea that being "crazy" or having unorthodox thinking patterns will make them all that much more unique than 'normal' people.
I'm confident in this assessment because it's something I often think. I used to hear about different personality disorders and attempt to fit myself into it; I began seeing this bias in myself and realized that I had a strange desire to have something like SPD, or schizotypal disorder, or even Aspergers, because then I wouldn't have to face my biggest fear of all:
I'm nothing but an average intelligence white male from an average working class neighborhood with an average temperament; I'm not a larger than life character with the type of personality that will be remembered by anyone who meets me; I'll never have a fascinating or unique life story about overcoming the personal adversity of a strange mental/personality condition; I don't have any interesting quirks or eccentricities that people will marvel at when they read about 'the genius' who discovered the grand unification theory (something I definitely plan on getting around to one of these days).