That is an interesting philosophical argument, but it amounts to nothing more than a fanciful idea that relies on nostalgia and a loose set of constructed principles masquerading as an alternative to the social and economic structure that already exists.
I think you're quite confused. I did not put forward a philosophical argument. I merely pointed out the logical fallacies that your neo-Jesus spouted.
"Your own personal Jesus. Someone to hear your prayers. Someone who cares."
Some do see it as a "violation of property rights" while others see it (in varying degrees) as the fulfillment of a social contract. Poopoo the necessity or "morality" of a social contract (or more specifically the enactment of this particular social contract) all you like; it is the current reality and where the discussion should start.
Ohh yes, the crucible, unobtainium, the holy grail, etc. the plot piece the moves the narrative forward. Furthermore, it is a replacement for religion. The social contract is the Bible and the state is God. In your mind, god is your parents. When the left has run out of all slightly reasonable arguments to justify their position, they resort to the social contract. The social contract is theory which stipulates:
"You are my little bitch. I am going to skull fuck you. Your job is to not resist."
(I prefer resisting. I am just that sort of guy.) Of course, you are not the person going to be engaging in the skull fucking. Your hands are too pretty and weak. You're not built for violence. You prefer to outsource the hard work of getting what you want. You want violence but other people have to do it for you. Hey! Maybe getting blood on your knuckles would change your mind or perhaps you would like it. Never know until you try but once you pop you may not stop.
You social contract theory is a non-argument. A red hearing to point to in order to justify any position.
"Murdering of the Jews must be done because they have agreed to the implicit social contract of living in this society." Absolutely anything. It is a joke. A good hearty laugh.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Even the social contract theory is a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. It is used a justification to validate
whatever in a post hoc sense.
There're a set rules that people conform to in their day to day lives when interacting with other people. All culminating in non-aggression against other people. Shit, if we just ignore the state for a moment, we're living in a libertarian utopia, anarchy. There is this uneasiness inside of me. Over 50% of my income is being taken from by force. The entity that seems to violate these rules of inter-personal interaction, is the state. The writing is on the wall. The more state involves itself in the day to day lives of people in society, violates the rules of interpersonal interaction, more negative consequences result. The entire economy has collapsed due to central planning. (A hint: Knowledge granted by a sound theory of economics tell us why this would occur.) Arguing from consequence, having an entity with absolute power through its monopoly of violence which can violate the rules that a harmonious and productive society is founded on, is just a bad idea.
The justification of a violation of a sound theory of morality, that everyone seems to follow in their day to day anarchistic lives, is a result of bad philosophy. Bad philosophy is a result of bad parenting. Bad parenting is beating your child and filling its head with superstitious nonsense. The kid grows up and needs to replace its abuser. Life is funny that way.
The reality is that many entrepreneurs do build their businesses with the aid of government funding, and the government does provide services they need to conduct their business. They built them, but not alone.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. Just because something has occurred does not make the occurrence or the reasons for the occurrence good, moral and just. I tell you something, entrepreneurs existed before government aid, entrepreneurs currently exist without government aid and entrepreneurs will exist beyond the suspension of government aid.
Now we come to the inevitable conclusion. I would like to think that you on the left like to violate the rights of people because you feel like what ever you're doing is the right thing to do because it will result in positives but for so long the results have been negative. The welfare state has resulted in a permanent underclass of sloths and parasites. The education system results in emotionally retarded, illiterate and innumerate people. But hey! As long as they have the lottery, they will not overthrow you. The hope is not with the prols. Central planning has resulted in the collapse of the economy. I am left thinking 'what more could you guys want?' The only things I can think of is power and control. As long as you, personally, are with the "winning team", you should be fine. (You won't be.) None of us will be.
But I digress: