Artifice Orisit
Pretty self explanatory really, this is where you can vent about things that make you ashamed to be human.
How is it that humanity gets so stupid in groups?! Nearly all of them are competent on an individual level in their own way, but when they get together...
I think it has to do with inverse proportion. The more people you have, the lower the total brain-power.How is it that humanity gets so stupid in groups?! Nearly all of them are competent on an individual level in their own way, but when they get together...
But why? It doesn't seem like a very clever concept. Maybe everyone relies on the other persons in the group to take care and neglect to think for themselves and it ends that no one takes care?
My 90% is actually Oklahoma free-range jellyfish but... shh... dont tell anyone.Well, if we can trust Douglas Adams the remaining 90% of the brain do contain penguins.![]()
^ This is a pretty big one.I hate how rare it is to find someone who understands they they might be wrong and can actually compare the two arguments to find the solution instead of just being so grounded in their opinion that they argue things without knowing anything about it.
I hate that people think I disagree with them because I don't understand what they're saying, not because I think they're wrong.
My 90% is actually Oklahoma free-range jellyfish but... shh... dont tell anyone.![]()
My 85% consists of a colony of Blue Footed Boobies (they secretly leave me 5% to use as I please, but I'm much too lazy to do so).
I will not tout the "wonders" of my age or bask in ostentation or jingoism; mine is primarily an ethical and spiritual communication, one that paints the contemporary ugliness in a naked light, eschewing euphemism and not even attempting to conceal my shame at being a member of this society and hence culpable; for I live in a time when one cannot get by without playing the venal games that riddle our neurotic institutions through and through; indeed, I could not afford the luxury of this letter if I had not earned the opportunity through participation in our oppressive social structures. As much as I have tried to be good, I cannot wholly escape the influence of my culture.
Our economic system, corporate capitalism, is a major transmogrifier, promoting egoism paired with a ravenous insecurity never more than fleetingly satisfied by compulsive consumption of vacuous products; concomitantly there arises a deep-seated apathy regarding concerns outside one's little consumerist bubble. In other words, consumers are addicted to a created need tailored to fit a created self-identity and easily controlled by those possessing the desideratum, which itself is a fiction: money. My world is run by an oligarchic plutocracy that puppeteers the teaming masses who form the stout base of the socioeconomic pyramid. They toil so drainingly to eke out a subsistence that no energy remains for reflection. In this category I include not just the lower but the middle classes as well; yet even the aristocracy languishes in the web of deceit and illusion darkly nurtured by a twisted need to control. Insecurity breeds insecurity.
Loathsome as it is in isolation, the economic tendril is but one protuberance of a monstrous mechanism of social control finely interwoven with the cultural fabric and relying not so much on physical as mental warfare to achieve its soul-deadening ends. One might call this scourge "acculturation," but it is more than that, it has a life of its own, it reproduces offspring and grows. It is an insidious presence, an underhanded presence, and perhaps most terrifyingly, one that perhaps cannot be stopped. Those in power are as harnessed by the mind control as those they manipulate. Everyone wears the bit of the beast, whose economic component alone is enough to snake through every mind, erecting a labyrinth of unhappiness; but the bit is multi-sided, multi-strapped, secured by many bonds twining and weaving with each other and the human soul, knotting into a complexity of tormentive shackling no one could unravel let alone convey perspicuously to paper. For instance, the beast fosters bigotries and rules of privilege that immiserate everyone, especially the subordinate groups who serve as outlets for the dominators' frustrations, but the latter also suffer, for their callous actions require callous minds that by their very closed-mindedness cannot be free or know the true beauty of existence.
What we have, then, at the root, is a vampiric society that has made itself unaware of its vampirism through the unconscious though highly sophisticated perpetuation and nurturance of a mental virus hiding behind the rubric of cherished icons such as tradition, capitalism, patriotism, family values; infecting the minds of our citizenry with moral and psychological diseases; and serving as a prerequisite and impetus to unspeakably evil yet systematic practices.
We haven't yet evolved into superhumans who can control the weather, fight crime, and live forever.
Mainstream television.
Fixed that for you.Mainstream <s>television.</s>anything.
I use to hate humans. But i realise it's no use hating them.
However i know that one day all of humanity will end because of humanity itself
HD has always seemed like nothing more than a new way for some corporations to make money to me... picture clarity before HD was just fine and still is.. it is not an impediment to my viewing pleasure at all. individual only uses ten percent of one's total brain-power .
This is a New Age-y let's tap into the deeper consciousness myth. People use all of their brains, and different parts of their brains together.
I'm not one for introductions or greetings and I like getting to the point; I really do not mean any insolence or harm, but, do you have adequate evidence to back your claim up?
Uh, wouldn't it be more logical to assume that every part of the brain is 'active' and then to search backup for the claim of "90% are unused"?
I have honestly a hard time to think 90% of the brain just are unused, wouldn't they rot? lol