There are two issues going on, and they need to be teased apart. First, I agree with you, mostly, that the racist instinct does not care whether other races are less intelligent or more intelligent, more criminal or less criminal; all of us have a distrust of racial outsiders regardless. Suppose, instead of Latinos, America was being overrun by Chinese. White Americans most certainly would not like this either.Bringing the topic back to your original post, the problem is that racism is more than just the belief that racial differences exist. It involves attributing evil to racial outsiders. And that's precisely what you've shown in your post which attributes evil to Latinos. If you believed that a group has a lower IQ and therefore should be helped, then the motivation would be different. There are lots of people who are advocating for reduced Latino and Black immigration into the United States, but I don't see anyone advocating increased Asian immigration despite the available data reflecting that Asians may have a higher average IQ. This shows that racism is primarily about inciting hatred against other groups of people who can easily be distinguished by their physical features, by those who cannot justify the institutional advantages they enjoy except by demeaning others.
Even if one believes that certain racial groups may have a lower average IQ, it does not automatically follow that it is innate to dislike those races. Case in point - my nephew (this is true) has a lower IQ than the average human as he is intellectually disabled (so presumably he would be at the left tail end of the ethnic Chinese IQ spectrum according to you). He is not a meth head. He is not homeless as his parents are taking care of him. I do not despise him despite his medically certified lower IQ. So why should it be natural that I would attribute evil traits to sub-Saharan Africans even if it were true that they have a lower IQ? Ultimately all of us came from a common ancestor.
The second issue: criminal differences among the races is not a subjective moral judgment of good and evil; but it is a judgment of objective reality. Almost nobody realizes this fact, but criminal behavior is about 50% genetically heritable within groups. That means, even if we are talking about the white race alone, about 50% of the reason why some individuals are more criminal and others are less criminal on average is genetic variation. This is within-group heritability (WGH), and it does not directly translate to between-group heritability (BGH), but it does not matter, because the relationship is strong enough: a large WGH is a big part of what makes a large BGH more plausible on the face. Criminologists tend to learn about the 50% WGH of crime in the introductory undergraduate courses, and then they proceed to ignore it for the remainder of their careers. They think it is useless, racist, or both.
So, recombining those two issues: if we were to choose our conquerors, then some invaders are better than others. The white race does not explicitly discriminate by race; but, they have always discriminated according to the quality of migrants, specifically in favor of those who have absolutely no criminal record, those with a high education, and those with skills in low supply and high demand. This means Chinese applicants are more likely to be granted visas than African, Filipino, Arab, and Latino applicants. If our descendants are to be outnumbered and pushed out, then at least we can have safe and prosperous neighborhoods until then.