I've been reading and posting for a couple of days now, and it's dawned on me that I've changed quite a bit since I had my first introduction to M-B and similar material in a college class that taught skills needed to troubleshoot organizational cultures. I've learned to deal with most of my weaknesses as an INTP (very strong I and N, moderately strong T and P), but there are some things that I will probably never handle well. I can handle anger pretty well (I look on people who can't control their anger as children), and sad people I handle pretty well ... I really do empathize. The only strong emotion I never can deal well with is anguish, grieving over loss of loved ones, etc. In the loss of loved ones category, the combination of my general personality traits and the fact that I'm so comfortable with life and death result in me coming across 'badly' with grieving people.
What 'weakness' do you find most troublesome to 'fix'?
What 'weakness' do you find most troublesome to 'fix'?