"I've never done it"
I have. Trying to find a publisher in the old-fashioned way is a loser's game unless you are already famous. That's why Snooky or whatever her name is from "Jersey Shore" got a book contract: People buy the book because her name is on it, not because of what's in it. It sucks. Your chance of finding an agent (first step) and then a publisher are worse than the odds of winning a major lottery.
However, as noted, alternatives exist, and please do not get suckered into signing up with some of the "self publishing" companies out there. You can set up an ebook for just about nothing. You can, if you know some fairly common software like InDesign or anything else capable of producing high qualify pdfs, set up your book and simply hire an on-demand printer, in which you buy books as you need them for the printing cost, then sell them for whatever you sell them for. Again, you can get set up, even with ISBN numbers and whatnot, for a couple of hundred bucks.
If you want to pursue any of these, let me know -- after your book is done and assembled and available as digital text and images. At that point I'd be glad to walk you through any of the processes. I have books in all of them. You can click on "my books" down below to get a sampling of how it's set up, if I remembered to pay my domain fees.
Once the book is up and available, especially in electronic formats, it takes care of itself and you just get checks. Print on demand involves a little more, but not much.
Don't expect to get rich. You might, but don't expect it. :-)