If you been reading carefully, I'm arguing on behalf of self improvement, which may entail manning the fuck up if you are a male.
If you think you can sit on your ass and have some fairytale romance fall in your lap, you're the one that's brainwashed.
Actually I'm already in what most would consider a, "fairytale" romance - and she's actually laughing her ass off right now having read your posts.
I've never wanted to bring up my own personal successes or failures in relationships, because it's completely irrelevant to these topics. Yet I'm an awkward, not by any stretch an, "alpha" male and you know what? I've spent more effort trying to avoid relationships than I have trying to get into them.
So why are women attracted to me, if I'm not alpha? I intuitively reject these ideals of alpha because they go against who I am, and yet somehow, contrary to all of the great wisdom to be found on all those highly empirical and thoroughly researched manosphere websites and magazines - I have success with women that other people apparently find so hard.
As for your perception of how children raised by their mothers breeds effeminate men? Empirical reaearch says the opposite. There's about 40 years of it. When I have access to a PC again I'll provide all of it. But here's a basic summary:
In countries where paternal and maternal leave are both given, and men are hugely encouraged to be involved in child-rearing: the gender lines are actually the most blurred of all. Men in Scandinavia and China are more effeminate than ever.
And you know what else is curious? If you go back 70 years when Christian values were so prolific, men were as, "alpha" as ever. But why, when the prevailing attitude at that time was that women were care-givers and that men were breadwinners? Women did all the child-rearing, and somehow produced all these alpha males.
However now in modern society that those lines are blurred and men are more than before involved in child-rearing, men are becoming more effeminate.
The studies point out that it has to do with the fact that children with involvement from both parents actually become comfortable with both sides of societal gender preconceptions - and are able to find their own, natural equilibrium along that scale.
Also, men with absentee fathers are far more likely to join the military. That's weird right? Kids who are raised by females, typically pursue some of the most commonly considered, "alpha" careers.
So don't give me this bullshit about how women raising men is what causes effeminate behaviour.