1.35, but the majority of those are in 'what are you listening to redux'.
The 'new guy prolific poster' syndrome, ex: TimeAsylums racking up 11.21 ppd in the two months s/he's been here seems pretty normal; like a fresh-faced crack addict indulging his new favorite high to the point of abuse.
But I'm actually a little suspicious of long term prolifics like Architect and Duxwing. How do they sustain such high levels of activity?
@Architect For the most part, your posts are not wall-of-text overly wordy (occasional exceptions, namely your MBTI-themed posts), and they are nearly always well-planned and grammatically proficient. It's plain to see that you are a high-caliber MBTI enthusiast. Your mind is probably on MBTI as much as mine is on 'building the perfect hot rod', and it's reflected in your posts. I'll estimate you devote a minimum of three hours a day to posting on this site. Your posts are too articulate, too carefully edited, too well-researched, to require anything less.
So, in addition to the wife, the kid, the job, the house, and the investment sideline, how do you squeeze those three(+) hours a day in? How do you justify those three(+) hours a day? Are you retired? Do you work from home? Are you getting paid to post (ie: posting from work)?
@Duxwing Your activity seems to have dropped off somewhat lately, but you're still at 9.42 ppd. Your posts are nearly always long, multi-quoted, and grammatically proficient. Sometimes the quality of your information suggests that you might have cut corners on the research and hard-evidence gathering fronts, in favor of expressing issues as you opine them, but nevertheless (the majority of) your posts strongly suggest a major devotion of time and effort on your part. You don't merely post, you post...in the manner of a surgeon, carefully dissecting, compartmentalizing, and responding in a highly organized, finite manner. Your style of communication here is probably the most time/effort intensive I've seen.
So, I realize that you, unlike Architect, have more time to devote to this forum, (no wife, no kid, no job(?), no house) so you're slightly less suspicious than he is. But I'm also pretty sure that you devote far more hours to posting here than he does. I'll estimate upwards of five hours a day, with occasional spikes up to eight or more hours. If that's how you want to spend your time, I personally have no problem with it, philosophically speaking.
But my 'philosophy' isn't exactly garden variety. In fact, the prevailing 'judgment' of your devotion to this forum is borderline ++ obsessive. How do you justify to yourself the hours you spend here? How do you explain to your mother, friends, answerable life-interests the hours you spend alone in the ether of this virtual existence?
Just picking out, but not picking on, the two guys I notice most here. I think there's a big difference between prolific garbage posting and fanatical devotion posting. I'd say the forum is better off without the former, and all the healthier for the latter (though I advocate no bans, damnit!!).
Myself, I believe I'm a personality hybrid. I think I'm more S than iN oriented, but I get bored really fast on ISTP sites. I hate extreme sports, think it's idiotic to squander my valuable energy reserves lifting anything that absolutely, positively doesn't need to be lifted, and am far more content to just dream about 'building the perfect hot rod' than actually get my hands dirty doing it (though I have the requisite skill, tools and experience to do so...perhaps if I had more time and money I'd be more motivated).
But I don't really fit ideally here either, like some others. I'm merely more comfortable among INTP's than ISTP's, even though I'm probably more inclined towards the latter. I'd likely be far more prolific if I was a pure-bred, blue-blooded INTP. Sometimes, I just wish there was a little more concrete holding this forum together.
(56 minutes to post this, I'm over my quota.)
Thanks Solitaire. You're right; I spend a huge amount of time on this forum. My greatest reason for so doing is social boredom: my classmates--even the ENTP, ENTJ, and INTJ--rarely appreciate debates or abstract discussions and prefer small talk and jokes. When I was younger, imagination and play bridged the gap, but now that all my peers do is talk, talk, talk instead of breaking out the NERF guns and having at it or constructing something beautiful from LEGO, interacting with them greatly, intensely, painfully bores me.
Do I sound like an arrogant little kid who should be quiet and know better than to mouth off like this? Yes. I also, however, have my forum mates, parents, and multivariate intelligence tests to back up that I am not inventing these feelings as an excuse to stay here and not do my homework, for example. In school, I'm alone save for my Ti-heavy ISTP friends, whose plentiful thoughts and unthreatening demeanors have given me much conversation. Yeah, yeah, I'm whining and should be happy with what I have--argh, I've got two voices in my head right now. >_<
But the thing is that the people that I find in school simply fail to stimulate me. My schoolwork, too, is often intellectually boring yet by some sleight of hand made difficult by virtue of necessary memorization or hours' practice. Math is my most hated class: it is simply Si and Te, in that order. Get the formula. Memorize the formula. Do fifty problems of the formula until the intuitive understanding that should have been established in the lecture is drilled in. Take quiz on formula. Repeat. It's MATH! It's not that HARD: rearrange the variables for any given case and let the calculator handle the rest. To make new math, find patterns and describe them. Alas, whenever I do the latter (obviously, I've not invented any math) my teachers either don't understand or tell me to do my homework first.
*sigh* I feel stifled.
But I should be doing my homework and my schoolwork and everything else. It just doesn't have the same vitality as it did when I was younger; school is turning into a ten hour a day, five day a week set of chores that need to be maintained lest my future be jeopardized. But--argh. *blinks, rolls head* Sorry, I just can't continue.
But when I come here, I find all sorts of smart, interesting people who love discourse! Architect, Jennywocky, ProxyAmenRa, Cognisant, SpaceYeti, Scorned Reflex, The Introvert--too many to name. I've even found a girlfriend--nightstreaking, yes from The Valentine's Day Matchmaking Thread--who likes me for being smart and interested in abstract discussions and would join me in them if she felt more sure of herself. Where else can I find such people? Not at school, that's for sure.
And even if I did, then I would be in an entirely different situation: real life conversation, which, while fun, can slowly drain me from the inside out and requires skills that I am weak in. At INTPf, conversely, I have plenty of time to ponder and edit my answer and can use my strongest talents to greatest effect. I also get to use language to create beauty, e.g.,
Perhaps the 'Net had got enraged.
A desperate fight against the trolls we waged:
Sparks fried the server though the plugs had shot away,
And even Ricky D began to pray.
But the admin, master old,
He'd fought DDoS attacks for years untold!
Crash and Freeze, admin! Chasing us about,
He'd rather die than let the trolls win out!
Where else? This place is like a home and haven to me, complete with beloved friends and wise elders. The world's big and scary. Here I feel safe. And I sound like a sick puppy who needs a dose of boot in butt. *sigh*
*puts on flame-retardant suit and curls up* Mmmmph, mm-mmmmph, mmmph.