This is not an INTP thing. It is a school thing. Everyone has teachers they hate at some point. Harry Potter had Snape, I had Mr. B------, you have this loser.
Your goal is to get out of the class, right? I would add the sub-goal of not harming your academic record or making any enemies along the way. Eventually the school year will end, so it is a finite problem.
I have dealt with horrible teachers in a few ways:
1. I did every assignment perfectly and got in Mr. B------'s face when he criticized the least thing. This was exhausting and he enjoyed it more than I did.
2. I suggested to the Mr. R------ that we go together to the office to discuss it with the principal (in that case he was endangering students so he backed down very quickly). He never crossed me again.
3. I sucked up to Mr. T--------- in a sickeningly flattering way, and let him think I thought he was the greatest thing since the invention of fire. The challenge of this bit of acting kept me occupied until the year ended, and he liked me a lot. This tactic was a success, but a lot of work.
4. I went to Prof. E-------- and said it was clear he wasn't satisfied with my work, and would he help me understand what he expected. I wrote it all down as he talked, and went to him before class to discuss my preparation. In no time, I was enjoying the class, and he ended up being my favorite Physics prof and earning my deep respect.
5. I went to Prof. C------- and told him that if he couldn't provide a list of goals for the class, then I didn't think he knew what he was doing as a teacher. I was invited to leave permanently. Fortunately, I was still able to graduate on time.
I used different methods because the teachers were different people. One solution won't work on everyone.
If the teacher is doing something genuinely abusive, such as humiliating students in front of their peers, making inappropriate comments about their appearance, or threatening them with bad grades for trivial things, then you should tell your parents and the school officials. Your parents can demand that you not continue to attend his class, but in that case it had better be a firing offense.
If the teacher is merely annoying, do what the teacher wants, get a good grade, and move on. I'm sorry there is no real solution to this problem.