Does physics in turn lead back to philosophy
I don't think it does, no. I think that there are many things that are philosophical in nature, until testable methods of parameterizing them are developed. I find it hard to answer this question because I think we are probably viewing it from different angles.
I suppose the way most people look at this is: physics explains how the universe exists, 'but
why does it exist?'
I don't think a question like this is an example of physics leading back to philosophy. It's simply an example of a philosophical question that we can't define testable parameters for (yet?). If ever we manage to define them, the question will no longer be in the realm of philosophy.
I agree that modern philosophy should be in synthesis with up to date scientific models of reality.
Honestly I don't even think this matters. At the least it doesn't matter to science. Any idea that is philosophical is only as such, simply because a way to define a predictive model for it has not been developed.
It's why Kuhn argued that every new paradigm (Copernicus, evolution, relativity, etc) is rarely accepted until a new generation comes along that is willing to appraise the information with fresh eyes.
Agreed for the most part. Although this is not as common now that society is much more in tune with secular values. There's not as many people actively working to stop the progress of knowledge that confronts social norms (at least in the western world).
Ones philosophy affects their science (sometimes to the extent of closing out information that disagrees with it).
I would agree that it sometimes, 'can' affect science. Science done correctly, is the complete opposite - philosophy has no impact whatsoever.
I don't want to derail from the main point of the thread at the moment on this line of discussion though. I'm happy to discuss it though if you want.
I think I have an inherently "everything is interconnected" POV, and see humanities and sciences as feeding into each other.
I think science works in the opposite direction, and doesn't lead from humanities at all.
It starts with mathematics - the language of predictive capability.
Next is physics, the first natural extension of mathematics - predicting how the world works with mathematics.
Then chemistry - predicting how the world interacts.
Neuroscience/biology - predicting how organisms interact with the world and how they work.
Psychology - How organisms interact with each other.
To explain this in a visual way, I drew a little pyramid. It starts at the base (mathematics) and works its way up.
Beyond these are the humanities, which are at the top of the pyramid.
To note, I need to point out that this is an explanation of the way that
scientific knowledge is built. Individuals and individual philosophies don't necessarily follow this process.
I can already see where this will be going, and I'll probably have to clarify this. If you'd like to make this into another thread, I can try and explain this in more detail - how studies of humanity arise from science. I'll try a short version.
The how (physics) came long before the why (philosophy). As in people were figuring out how to physically figure things out, long before they questioned why it worked. People crafting tools and technology long before ever considering any philosophical. Philosophy started thousands of years ago, but I would posit that physics and mathematics (not advanced concepts that we think of) were the keys to basic survival long before the contemplation of social sciences/humanities were ever an issue.
I think science will always raise philosophical questions, and be used to support philosophical positions, and that in turn those positions will affect future science and so on.
To be honest, philosophy has no impact on scientific study at all. Perhaps in the past, currently not at all. The reason for this is related to the point I made before: if it's philosophical, it's because testable parameters don't exist for it yet. If testable parameters don't exist, it can't be tested by science.