Life before man's ascent into technology was far more brutal than we'd like to imagine. Disease, abuse, deadly tribal clashes, unmitigated natural disasters, all of these and more plagued the people of the paleolithic. To return to the actual past would be devastating, horrifying, and a dark mark upon the story of mankind; more pertinently, the past led to the future, so going directly backwards is foolish. Rather, we long for an imagined, idyllic past, whose unrealistic simplicity would serve as a relief from the complex, demanding lives that we've led since the dawn of time. In other words, we want to live in a story book.
And the only way to do that is via AI, a product of diligent computer science, and more importantly, the modern world. So onward, I say, for the crucible shall leave us stronger.
considering what we guage 'success' and 'happiness' today, its interesting to see this as the prevailing attitude within society. That somehow without material and the current structure we have today, we simply could never be content without it, so those who lived before must have lived miserable, unfulfilled, stimulation starved lives...but who is to say that what we simply have on our own isnt enough ?
a lot of bad things happened. absolutely. and it was never a cake walk for everybody, no doubt there...but what can we really say we absolutely know about life 100,000 years ago, let alone the level of 'happiness' individuals took from the existing ways of life?
Besides, nobody is advocating that we simply revert back to the stone ages for the sake of it. nobody is saying w ehave to abandon the knowledge, technology, and progress we've made...but perhaps infusing the two...could open the door for some really dope shit.
^ This.
What we should be doing is using technology to seek harmony with nature. We need to expunge capitalism and the very concept of money if we ever want to achieve this peace and harmony. Only then can we use technology to free humankind from the drudgery of repetitive labor and allow us to use our minds to create things of efficiency and beauty.
I initially wanted to dispute this but I believe, upon reflection, it may be right. Revolutionaries ostensibly oppose/subvert wealth inequity and tyranny (power inequity) and revert to, or seek to revert to, harmoniousness and democracy from bygone years. There is something to this archaic revival notion. Heavy-handed male ethos certainly needs some softening.
and from there you go down the 'fractal time' path of his work...
So how much of this "patriarchy" thing, and commentary about oppression, etc., is really about human culture?
What I mean is this...
In virtually every primate species, there are male-female dynamics that vary in all sort of ways. There are some dominant females, but, for the most part, except in some species and in some cases, the male is dominant. Surely this has nothing to do with any of the many human oppression arguments along lines like economics or religion.
So, isn't this whole thing really, REALLY old? It's not like this has come about only in the past few hundred or few thousand years. This has been happening for millions of years.
We may be far worse about how we do it, and we may do it en masse, but, it's not like this problem is a new problem.
precisely my point. its nothing new. these are things we've known about for ages now...but we let it go. we forget about these issues and come up with more distractions to worry about. taking the time to look back and learning from the past, instead of stomping it down and assuming that linear time somehow makes something inherently better...bah, absurd.
something about humanity...we have the ability to change. we can identify things and change them. just because its happening, doesnt mean we can simply allow it to continue.
As for patriarchy, I don't think it exists. In general, men don't have an bias towards men and a bias against women. Men simply have a greater frequency of characteristics that would be desirable in a leader. Though, this is not a generality. Some leadership positions of social institutions prefer characteristics which women have greater frequency of having. We're no longer living in a brutal age where such conditions specifically favored the general male physiology. These days any discrepancies between men as a whole and women as a whole are do to the typical choices that the individuals in both sets make. Conclusion, there is no problem.
a patriarchy does not need a bias for it to exist, does it?
the whoooole point that the men who created the image of the leader, set the rules in order to attribute themselves and their traits as the 'desirable' ones to begin with. cant that be seen as a great disparity right off the bat?
if social institutions are upheld and operated under a male dominated regime...wouldnt it make sense that theyd be telling you everything is okay?...
take politics for example...yes women can get involved and become politicians...but do they? or are they sort of turned off in another direction at an early age? they dont want to play that game...they want to go be a dancer or some shit like me thats nothing about genetic traits. deeper reasons to explore there.
but beyond simple gender differences...just look at the male ego alone. no need to compare...and id certainly say it exists.
If I may jump in here...
Your idea is nothing short of a utopia... which by definition is simply an idea. Surely, it's a good idea, but plausible? I think not. Let's step back and think about a few things.
Your entire idea is centralized around a human race in which people will not try to take advantage of the system. The saying goes; "give them an inch and they'll take a mile". Somewhat out of context, but the meaning remains: you will always have people causing trouble, and creating chaos in the system.
Where will the inspiration come from? Where will development, technology, the passion to survive come from? If everything is just handed to us, will we fight for more? Why would I bother trying to improve lives if none are in danger? What would be my motivation, if everyone is treated equally? Despite what anyone says, there is a REASON that technology advances, humanity advances. It is never because someone just wanted to do it. There is always some sort of goal in mind (whether it be fame, fortune, spiritual reasons, etc. etc.).
I agree that mainstream economics needs a change. But to suggest removing money would be akin to suggesting that we remove atoms from the universe. The entire system is sustained only because of the faith in currency. You can't just tear down the building blocks - hell - the entire system, especially if you have no alternative. You've given no suggestion as to how the economy would work. Suppose I wanted a fancy hat. How would I go about getting it? Your proposal completely disregards the fact that humans (unlike your system) are not automated, are conscious, (and many times irrational) beings.
Although I do agree with one premise you mentioned, "Eliminate problems by design". With that said, however, it is important to note that money will not be going away... at least any time soon. What would you propose to do with all the people on top? What about all the people that are wealthy, and have power? The only ones that could make your idea possible. I reckon that wealthy people would not be too keen on abandoning their posts at the top of the socio-economic ladder...
BAM-o. Id agree, when I see something like zeitgeist...sure its awesome to be optimistic...but a lot of me is very skeptical of something like it ever being accomplished. Just a half baked attempt at a utopia.
if change does come, its not going to be the majority of society agreeing and going on with the show...its going to be a dedicated community, who simply doesnt give a fuck if others dont want to join along. theyll just keep on doing what they need to do.
more cheesy ass new age quotes, which make sense to me...
“We have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific know-how, the love and the community to produce a kind of human paradise. But we are led by the least among us – the least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary. We are led by the least among us and we do not fight back against the dehumanizing values that are handed down as control icons.”
“Culture is a perversion. It fetishizes objects, creates consumer mania, it preaches endless forms of false happiness, endless forms of false understanding in the form of squirrelly religions and silly cults. It invites people to diminish themselves and dehumanize themselves by behaving like machines.
“Culture is not your friend. Culture is for other people’s convenience and the convenience of various institutions, churches, companies, tax collection schemes, what have you. It is not your friend. It insults you. It disempowers you. It uses and abuses you. None of us are well treated by culture.”
“Chaos is what we’ve lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existance is defined in terms of control.”
“Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable.”
“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.”
– Terence McKenna