In George Orwell's masterpiece 1984, there is a character, a bureaucrat whose job is to eliminate all of the "unnecessary" words from the language and to help create Newspeak.
Someone has seemingly brought that concept to life
How many words have been replaced by the Newspeak term, ______ - challenged?
(my favorite is motivationally - challenged, an oxymoron in itself. It gets rid of words like lazy, slothful, parasitic, Good-for-nothing, lay-about, sluggard, etc)
So, we, INTPians have never applied our selves to Newspeak, but if we did, how many words could We eliminate?
I have to admit ______ - challenged is a tough one to beat, but I think we can find a few to surpass it...
Someone has seemingly brought that concept to life
How many words have been replaced by the Newspeak term, ______ - challenged?
(my favorite is motivationally - challenged, an oxymoron in itself. It gets rid of words like lazy, slothful, parasitic, Good-for-nothing, lay-about, sluggard, etc)
So, we, INTPians have never applied our selves to Newspeak, but if we did, how many words could We eliminate?
I have to admit ______ - challenged is a tough one to beat, but I think we can find a few to surpass it...