If you are smart and a woman. Your kids have a higher chance of being bright. The man can only pass the X chromosome to a daughter. And it's on the X chromosome most of the intelligence is. And it get's worse. On the daughter the good mutation from the father have a 50% chance of getting overwritten by the X from her mother. And if the daughter have a male kid, the gene variant is again as likely to get extinguished.
I suspect high IQ men is more the result of mutated X chromosome genes, then actual legacy that have been passed on. Their own genes related to IQ, if they choose to reproduce is likely to be viped out in the next rounds.
So perhaps you can make a greater legacy by designing something great instead of sleeping around, if being male. Or find a female with faulty X chromosomes, as the chances will be higher for them being accepted in the daughter. Perhaps then you can enjoy grandchildren as spawn of your brain.