It was a currency expansion induced business cycle. Created in part due to the conditions of governments' monopoly over money, central banking system and special privileges granted to banking and financial institutions. In other terms, central planning. Of course there are the specifics peculiar to this business cycle but every business cycle has peculiar specifics.
The currency expansion induced boom phase of the cycle by its nature distorts where resources are allocated in society. People invest resources in unproductive ventures due to the false price signal perceived as society being more wealthy than it was. The bust phase of cycle is when the investments in unproductive ventures are realized; the investments fail. The economy undergoes a process of liquidating the bad investments. A correction takes place; the market revalues the factors of production closer to what they're actually worth according to the subjective value judgments of market participants.
Ever since the economy entered the bust phase of the business cycle, governments and central banks have been doing everything within their power to prevent a correction from taking place. In turn, price signals are still grossly distorted. Continuous QE, open market operations and plunge protection are giving market participants the false perception of wealth and stability. It is as if the central planners don't have the faintest clue what a sound price system is for.
Over the years a central planning induced economic crisis has tuned into a crisis of the central planner's own financial stability/viability. If they discontinue the monetization of debt (QE) and open market operations, interest on treasuries will rise. You will hit this "fiscal cliff" and possibly a positive feedback loop on treasury yields if the government can't meet its obligations. Quite a disastrous situation for any institution heavily invested in treasuries. No one really knows what will happen if this eventuates but there is great speculation regarding the stability of the monetary system. A great depression scenario?
Before anything of the sort happens above there will be direct monetization instead of indirect (through the banking system). Under such a circumstance you will start to see a greater index than the current 10% CPI. All other central banks will start their printing presses to maintain current parity. People's savings will be reduced in value.
Now people want to increase taxes on the most productive members in society so they can achieve some perverse notion of "fairness". They will give up just like they have done in France and the UK; Atlas shrugged. Society becomes less wealthy.
In conclusion, the fat lady started singing in 2007 and has not stopped. Though, this is not to say a good investment still won't make you money. We're making smart @