Do they know who started it?
Book burnings are nothing new. Was the revolution a lie? As far as I can tell some men just want to watch the world burn, which apparently means, they’re angry and got a bad roll of the die upon birth.
They see no fulfillment in the future state of the world, such as no utopia being plausible. They don’t want to see you win.
When that happens, everyone losing seems the best option for them.
Think, Library of Alexandria, or anything similar. And then, now, people want a change. And why? It’s obvious.
Some people had their mind overtaken by a reductionistic model of reality, so that’s all they know. I’ve been in school my whole life studying science, and from my experience good grades have gotten me nowhere, so there might be some other reasons for that.
So what else? Probably, expect to see changes to the Bible in this lifetime spelling out a different story. Excuse my language, but for the people here who can’t, they just can’t, compete with my mental prowess, when I mentioned “Joseph” (“the King of Dreams”) as an archetype, I, perhaps obviously, didn’t mean it literally (since I clearly live in Egypt, for one, and my name is really Yosef, seriously). He was sold by his brothers then became advisor to the Pharoah in the future.
History repeats itself.
To spell it out even more, I’ve yet to advise any royalty, nor was it ever my aim. Yet, I’m unsure if I have any friends (no Watson figure, Arsene Lupin is lame), from my experience, it’s the David archetype who gets all the fun anyway. I’m not holding out for anything like that. My Joseph reference goes as far as the phrase “he recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him”, as out of context as your mind lets wander.