Space Jokes.
(And that's why this didn't go in that thread.)
This forum kind of blows now.
I came here in 2010 because I, like most new members, was trying to learn more about myself. I thought there was an explanation to why I'm 'weird', I guess.
I have learned many things about typology and cognitive functions and the like, and I do believe it has enhanced my view to some degree. There are also some cool, smart, and friendly people here that I've enjoyed chatting with. In terms of being a refugee in a social society dominated by more extroverted types, it served as an outlet to bond, so to speak, although that never really happened to a large extent (and I not sure I wanted it to).
Since then I've grown a little (I hope?). I don't think INTPs or any of the other NTs or introverted types are actually like 1-2% of the population or somehow more special or unique than the other types. I don't think INTPs are naturally smarter than the other types...though I admit I was holding out on that one for a while. I don't even think the same way about natural genius anymore. I realize that people do have a propensity for certain things (like logic and analysis) in life and express themselves in particular ways, some of which may be attributed to cognitive ability--but that doesn't mean a guy who maybe doesn't have a propensity for a certain thing is excluded from brilliance in those things.
And I think what we call natural genius is basically inspired thinking, or more specifically, a mind tapped into a source beyond itself. Geniuses should be celebrated but not worshipped. Sure the idea jumped out of them but did it really originate in their mind? I don't think so.
There is pain and suffering, some doom and gloom in this world. But I've gotten to a point at which, you know, I realize its there but I'm not going to make excuses for why nothing else good can happen because of it. In fact, I think a lot of good can be had despite the lots of bad that often happens in the world.
(I totally forgot what point I'm trying to make. Going to continue.)
For some reason, the vibe I get here often way I can describe it, is with a color: grey. Bleak outlooks.
--I don't know what to do with my life.
--I'm lost
--I don't believe in anything
--Morals are relative
--Society sucks
Shit is depressing yo.
But let me hesitate to bash anyone because, again, at one point this place served as a haven for my grey bleakness. But I don't want to be that way anymore.
I see some troubling things developing in the world today. I think humanity is about to go through some serious shit. It'll be bad for everybody but half the people won't even know it because they've been turned into figurative zombies, including many people who think they are informed, intelligent citizens. Deception is thick, almost suffocating until you take a step back out of the muck and look around you.
(I forgot where I'm going with this again)
Oh right, this forum blows now.
I thought I could count on it for quality discussion and thought food but I don't get it often here. I don't know if I ever did.
I am still fond of the fun/joke/goofy threads though. My sense of humor is less likely to be lost on people here, though there is still a strange dynamic at play: an INTP guy might find something funny another one says but fail to respond in the spirit of the intended humor. So the INTP joke maker just feels awkward wondering if the other guy got the joke. The other guy got it but either responded 'randomly' in a way related to wherever his mind was bouncing at the time, or he gets distracted by something else and ignored the joke entirely.
Just... I don't know.
The world isn't grey. Its colorful, vibrant, full of possibilities.
ALWAYS hesitate before you think you have shit figured out.
But, at the same time....
Don't question everything. There are some things that don't need to be questioned.
DO question the foundations of your thought. Where do those thoughts come from and why do you assume they are correct? Why do you assume your model of reasoning is correct? Statistical reasons, Intuition, or are you just making excuses?
...This will make sense to at least one of you.
EDIT: This totally should've gone in the random thoughts thread.
This forum kind of blows now.
I came here in 2010 because I, like most new members, was trying to learn more about myself. I thought there was an explanation to why I'm 'weird', I guess.
I have learned many things about typology and cognitive functions and the like, and I do believe it has enhanced my view to some degree. There are also some cool, smart, and friendly people here that I've enjoyed chatting with. In terms of being a refugee in a social society dominated by more extroverted types, it served as an outlet to bond, so to speak, although that never really happened to a large extent (and I not sure I wanted it to).
Since then I've grown a little (I hope?). I don't think INTPs or any of the other NTs or introverted types are actually like 1-2% of the population or somehow more special or unique than the other types. I don't think INTPs are naturally smarter than the other types...though I admit I was holding out on that one for a while. I don't even think the same way about natural genius anymore. I realize that people do have a propensity for certain things (like logic and analysis) in life and express themselves in particular ways, some of which may be attributed to cognitive ability--but that doesn't mean a guy who maybe doesn't have a propensity for a certain thing is excluded from brilliance in those things.
And I think what we call natural genius is basically inspired thinking, or more specifically, a mind tapped into a source beyond itself. Geniuses should be celebrated but not worshipped. Sure the idea jumped out of them but did it really originate in their mind? I don't think so.
There is pain and suffering, some doom and gloom in this world. But I've gotten to a point at which, you know, I realize its there but I'm not going to make excuses for why nothing else good can happen because of it. In fact, I think a lot of good can be had despite the lots of bad that often happens in the world.
(I totally forgot what point I'm trying to make. Going to continue.)
For some reason, the vibe I get here often way I can describe it, is with a color: grey. Bleak outlooks.
--I don't know what to do with my life.
--I'm lost
--I don't believe in anything
--Morals are relative
--Society sucks
Shit is depressing yo.
But let me hesitate to bash anyone because, again, at one point this place served as a haven for my grey bleakness. But I don't want to be that way anymore.
I see some troubling things developing in the world today. I think humanity is about to go through some serious shit. It'll be bad for everybody but half the people won't even know it because they've been turned into figurative zombies, including many people who think they are informed, intelligent citizens. Deception is thick, almost suffocating until you take a step back out of the muck and look around you.
(I forgot where I'm going with this again)
Oh right, this forum blows now.
I thought I could count on it for quality discussion and thought food but I don't get it often here. I don't know if I ever did.
I am still fond of the fun/joke/goofy threads though. My sense of humor is less likely to be lost on people here, though there is still a strange dynamic at play: an INTP guy might find something funny another one says but fail to respond in the spirit of the intended humor. So the INTP joke maker just feels awkward wondering if the other guy got the joke. The other guy got it but either responded 'randomly' in a way related to wherever his mind was bouncing at the time, or he gets distracted by something else and ignored the joke entirely.
Just... I don't know.
The world isn't grey. Its colorful, vibrant, full of possibilities.
ALWAYS hesitate before you think you have shit figured out.
But, at the same time....
Don't question everything. There are some things that don't need to be questioned.
DO question the foundations of your thought. Where do those thoughts come from and why do you assume they are correct? Why do you assume your model of reasoning is correct? Statistical reasons, Intuition, or are you just making excuses?
...This will make sense to at least one of you.
EDIT: This totally should've gone in the random thoughts thread.