All that your saying is making me think a little. All that I know about patriotism is what my dad and my other members of my family told me. I do support our troops though, that will never change, they are our line of defense and many of my family members are in that line of defense.
Defense against who?
And I would have to disagree with you on freedom costs nothing, true I was born free because of my dads service to the military,
How is that. What did he do?
but back during the Revolutionary War when we were fighting Great Britain for our freedom, then yes freedom costs lives. If that Revolutionary War didn't happen, we could quite possibly still be under Great Britain's rule instead of being allies with them like we are now.
Fair enough. I agree that citizens need to make moral choices, based on proper values, which is not patriotism or your blindly supporting your troops no matter how many women they raped or prisoners they stacked up.
Citizens need to be aware of their government, that power is not abused. You actually have an amendment for it, so that you can legally own guns. Unfortunately, these guns are used on each other, not the government.
I my country we are so rich, that we fell asleep. We tell each other that there is no justifiable violence. That the government can be trusted. Besides, protesting or dissenting costs a free day. Bills are to be paid.
We want so much wealth and social security, that we almost completely lost the citizens right to dissent, to defend itself and fight for our rights.
I am very much in favor of an awake citizenry, that demonstrates, fights the police, uses public disobedience, to defend itself.
When attacked, you defend yourself. But america isn't defending. It is attacking. It is attacking with its shield. Yo pappa and mommy should be your nation's shield, not attack sovereign nations.
I do agree that America is falling, we are in debt and we are practically split when it comes to politics. When the Obama and Romney Election was going on, at the end they were really neck and neck. After Obama was elected there were people saying that another Civil War could break out because of this election. I also believed it too.
Yes you americans are very susceptible to fear-based propaganda. It is a national handicap and a deep flaw in your peoples' psyche.
"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it ..."
-- US General Douglas MacArthur
That is what your parents are prone to. That is their shame and failure. That is the value they instilled in you, support the troops means support mom and dad and your family. How convenient.
Fear of Obama, fear of the USSR, socialism, communism, terrorists. If you people would be nice to other nations, they would not be so angry and hateful. Your parent and maybe you as well, will be america's shield against what your government is doing in your name.
But think girl.
"Far from being the terrorists of the world, the Islamic peoples have been its victims, principally the victims of U.S. fundamentalism, whose power, in all its forms-military, strategic, and economic-is the greatest source of terrorism on Earth.... People are neither still nor stupid. They see their independence compromised, their resources and land and the lives of their children taken away, and their accusing fingers increasingly point north: to the great enclaves of plunder and privilege. Inevitably, terror breeds terror and more fanaticism. But how patient the oppressed have been. Their distant voices of rage are now heard; the daily horrors in faraway brutalized places have at last come home."
-- John Pilger
That means if someday, a bomb goes off killing you or your parents I will not find tears in my heart. Let's not make any mistake here:
"Americans cannot escape a certain responsibility for what is done in our name around the world. In a democracy, even one as corrupted as ours, ultimate authority rests with the people. We empower the government with our votes, finance it with our taxes, bolster it with our silent acquiescence. If we are passive in the face of America's official actions overseas, we in effect endorse them."
-- Mark Hertsgaard, author
This is why I ask you to make moral choices, based on values that are above and beyond the call of duty your parents and you seem to feel. Do NOT enlist.
Obama wanted to get rid of guns when its a constitutional right to have guns, there was much disagreement and fighting going on about that.
Well yeah. That pesky amendment right? It seems a hollow moot point, since you people NEVER use your gun rights to overthrow the government because frankly, you are too infected with propaganda and shopping mall lifestyle to know what is going on in the world as a consequence of your nations' foreign policy.
Obamacare is another one, Obama is practically shoving something down Americans throats that we do not want.
Is that what your parents told you, or Fox? Hahah, come off it. There are people that like the idea too. You should go to Sweden and see what social safety nets mean.
You all wanna be patriots but when it comes down to it, your government fucks you over by expecting you to be responsible for everything that happens to you in your life, like disease. And it is a way of life, I see that. But no one asked for a bad disease.
I knew a fireman in Kentucky. His sister had pneumonia. It was rally bad but she had a low paying job and her employer paid for no health plan and so one day she just went into the street, lay down so people called 911. There is a law that states that 911 must help people, so they ruished her to the hospital, where she got a pot of pills and was sent home. At least she got the pills, That was the plan.
Why would a patriot, someone who tattoos the american flag on their genitals, be ready to die for the nation, that will not install proper laws for medical care, will not help people unless they pay for it with their credit cards and send them home based on the ideology that 'everyone needs to keep their own pants up'?
That's sparked up much fighting and arguments. It will be interesting what America will do once we realize that we are falling as a nation. In all honesty I think Russia will take us over, either that or China.
You are still afraid of Russia? Man! is this propaganda injected in your genes at birth, like a gene therapy?
True, are trading partners with them and we do own them some money,
Some? Some money?
"On December 12, 2013, debt held by the public was approximately $12.312 trillion or about 73% of Q3 2013 GDP[5][6] Intragovernmental holdings stood at $4.9 trillion (29%), giving a combined total public debt of $17.226 trillion or over 100% GDP.[7] As of January 2013, $5 trillion or approximately 47% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were the People's Republic of China and Japan at just over $1.1 trillion each."
Source: wikipedia
Soon you will be speaking Chines, but please, be afraid of the Russians!
@Variform- I'm saying this right now, America is screwed up! And I mean big time. This is allowed because America is so concentrated on fulfilling other peoples religions and way of life.
Lie, propaganda. Oh my fucking god. I hoped you were still relatively free in your mind. But I was wrong. I am giving up on you. I am sorry. I think it is already too late.
This also goes back to the first Amendment, freedom of speech and religion. This is what makes me mad about this country. In my school we are not allowed to say Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, or anything that involves religion in an effort to not offend the Muslims at my school, which only accommodate about 2% of the schools population.
And you pledge allegiance on a daily basis using the word god in it. Christian fundamentalism.
Most of the people, including me, are Christians, and yet we are not allowed to celebrate are holidays all because some atheist are Muslim will get offended. Teachers are not even allowed to mentions God in their discussions.
That is a good thing. God worship has no place in school. Religion needs to be separate from state and law and you practise it at home and in a church. If religion wants access to indoctrinate innocent children with god nonsense, then education should have access to churches and 'preach' science from the council.
And yet, the hysteria that would arise out of that suggestion would be astounding. How dare a teacher come with his filthy lies of science enter into our church! Blasphemy.
No. God should be banned from school. You want religion, practice it at home in that damned church of yours. Don't be hypocrite.
For a country founded on religion,
How is that?
we are certainly failing away from it. This is why I think we should close the borders, we need to stop letting other people in because its getting out of control. We have to print directions in 20 different languages because English isn't the Americas set language. We don't have a set language and there's much debate about that too. The topic on Gays and Lesbians is a very debatable topic here too. And its allowed at my school too, I see gay and lesbian couples make out in the hallways all the time, and to be completely honest with you its disgusting. Any type of making out in the hallway, whether it be my a normal couple or a gay or lesbian couple is disgusting.
Don't be stuck up. You don't like homosexuality, just say so, but don't sneak it in with the idea that hetero's kissing in hallways is equally disgusting. Because you do the exact same thing as when you talk about minorities that you have to cater to out of a sense of respect, when you cannot say Merry x-mas'. So don't be a hypocrite.
You are a christian, I am sorry for you, but god doesn't make mistakes. He is perfect. His plan is supreme and all people are made by him. How dare you defy god as a 17 year old brat?!? He made gays too, just to piss you off, personally! You should get on your knees and pray for more gay.
Yes, let that be your new slogan! Pray for Gay!