This is sheer idiocy. I guess that makes auto mechanics accessories to murder too, since people die in car accidents. And burger flippers, because people die from heart disease. Guess your one piece of stunning career advice for her is out the window as well since it doesn't live up to your bizarrely stringent moral code. I suppose her only choice now is to adopt the life of an ascetic Puritan shrieking about how they are holier than thou on the internet.
Get a life.
Interesting is it not? If this reasoning is followed by the conclusion you make, why resist it?
How do people interrelate? What are we to each other? How do we measure responsibility? At what cut-off point is there no longer accountability?
If a burger flipper contributes to someone's heart failure at 55, to what extend is he accountable? What about self-determination? Or being an enabler?
I can find a reasonable argument in the fact that a burger flipper contributes or helps to enable a person to exercise an unhealthy diet. You are not helping him by hiding behind his free will.
Someone that builds military hardware in some factory or helps to maintain it is part of the human folly of engaging in warfare against fewllow human beings.
I think people are afraid to conclude what I do. You are scared buddy. Because of this line of reasoning is correct, we can all be held accountable for something, to some degree and we will never be so free as to wash our hands in innocence and disconnect ourselves from others.
Western paradigms are about individuality, individual freedom and responsibility, there are firewalls of accountability between all of us, denying we are all in the world together, connected deeply.
For that reason youc all me an idiot. You want no responsibility for others and have therefor eno qualm about flipping burgers and selling bad food to a really fat guy: it is his own responsibility. You have no issue with someone building or maintaining weaponry, because his responsibility does not stretch out through this military hardware into the result of the function of said hardware.
Neatly we isolate ourselves from others. What we do affects no one, because we have the right to choose. And what we choose hurts others, but we care not, for the accountability is severed. We deny the causality between our own actions in the world and the consequences.
We deny as a species as a whole accountability for the future, destroying our climate and so we can consume any junk we like and be decoupled from the destruction of our climate, because we allow only the division of responsibility: no one is entirely responsible for the climate, the responsibility gets divided to such small fractions that psychologically we are accountable for almost nothing, yet find ourselves consuming dis-proportionally more than would be good balance between that accountability and the measure of our consumption.
I cannot in my right mind uncouple the network between people, the web of life and the invisible connections between us. I can see how most people would agree with you.
Why I am different here I do not know. But I ask myself 'how to be in the world'. And my life is a constant compromise to the needs of the Earth as a living 'Gaia' and my lifestyle, but also a compromise between my personal actions and how they affect others: am I part of their solution or their problem?
I want to do right by people but the cultural gets in the way and the Western paradigm of individual rights means that we all fight for our own rights, not the collective rights. With rights come responsibilities, we sever rights between people by our individualism and therefore also responsibilities.
Your opinion comes out of a deeply ingrained cultural model. Individualism also means decoupling accountability by dividing our life into neat sections, like work, social groups, friends, families. All is divided.
So when you work, what you do will no longer have any bearing on the next guy down the conveyor belt. How the weaponry is used is someone else' decision. You just maintain the F-16 and F-15. You have no responsibility for how it was build, designed, transported, how it is used, flown, what function it has and if people are killed when a pilot releases his firepower.
We are individuals, in an individualized society, with individual responsibilities and accountabilities, forever divided. And the one time we are accountable, like for climate change, we divide it so that the amount of responsibility is so low, we can easily shrug it off, as it is so low, it is the same as nothing.
You dare talk about a moral code? And defend a career choice whereby you maintain utterly deadly military machines, that ARE and WILL BE used in unjustifiable wars?
No man, I believe all we do affects others. There are links between every person, life is a web with tendrils between us all. If you and I are connected, even through this forum and my ideas might affect you. You may tell a friend about this crazy person, and so I will be connected to him, even though the thread is thin.
I could not maintain military hardware, build missiles in some factory, or munitions, or flip burgers and selling them to an overweighted person.
I have a commercial education, with business economics, commercial economics, general economics and commercial forming and have the diploma's to run my own store at middle management levels, but I could never be occupied in this field because I resist the psychological theory based manipulation of people for sales purposes.
I make these moral choices based on 'how to be in the world'. How I live, even think, because thought is the source for action, affects others and society at large and therefore I am affecting all people.
That is why I do not do social media, or have cell phones or use wi-fi, because I would give off the message it is okay to use these things, which I think isn't. (NSA spying, privacy, a human right recognized by the UN charter, that erodes, the Panopticum society etc.)
And that means there are few career options where you do not compromise, but the one where you compromise the most, is probably military hardware maintenance or using it like the pilot. Or giving orders to kill.
Morality? I don't think you have a clue about what that means in the real world.