While not to start a huge materialism debate,
yes, I do distaste it. Espefcially societally dicated materialism. People stress out over what their nails look like, because society tells them something about how their nails should look (what color, what condition, what length). All these little things are just representations of a core problem, mostly concerning the use of materialism as a system of oppression (goes back as far as I know of) to prevent people from reaching happiness. It's like a check list to fulfillment and removes the need for purposeful introspection.
Even going to the bible we can see its use:
~Lucifer is originally the Light Bringer, meaning he existed before light and dark were seperated. This means he is both light and dark, a reflection of "God", the creator.
~Lucifer is transformed into Satan
~Gnostics write about the structure of reality, the lie of the material world (which is Lucifer's Realm, the world governed by the ratio of perception)
~Christ originally refers to the Kingdom of God as a mental state that one enters, not a "palace in the sky". There is the material, and then there is the divine.
~The church uses Satan as a system of opression - Hell goes from a mental state to a "place you go when you die, beware Satan, the big scary monster king! Grrrr! "
~Use the power of morals based on "heaven and hell" to enforce behavior amongst the masses. They are just toying with the world, accumulating mass wealth (very...unchristian of them really) and hiding the texts that lead the world to enlightenment.
The materialist is just a pawn in bigger games that are the politics of our world. The inherent self absorbtion instilled through the projection of the person into objects roots the person down, while superfluous goals distracts them from pursuing the truth (You can see occurs in both Religion and Government - though Americans would like to belive in the "seperation of Church and State" which is one of the biggest lies ever).
Anyway. So, things never really did anything good for anybody. Just made them delusional and unimaginative.
Painting one's nails is just a tool used for a misogynist agenda. It's painfully obvious to those who take the time to think about it, but glanced over by so many.