Spiritual "Woo"
So I can't tell if I'm just the type of person who is just really unmotivated or unambitious or if I'm just depressed at this point. Self motivation has never been my strong suit. I need a lot of support to get anything done. As it is now, I've spent the last 3/4th of my day not doing a damn thing and am content to just muse and listen to music and keep up on all the new posts of the forum.
Some things that may help granted I can actually pull it off are/is primarily putting things in place so that I have a self-support system I make my own to use so that I can accomplish different, more productive things. Its a really good idea to put timers on things, use sticky notes and the like to help stay on task with things that actually matter, but I can never bring myself to actually put these self-support systems in place.
I am seeing a psychologist currently and it's been helpful and seeing him keeps me staying mindful of these issues. However, it seems no matter what support I get I never end up really changing behavior long term. I will say sleep has been a constant issue for me - either I am getting outrageous amounts of sleep (20 hours in some cases), or I will go a good 36 hours without sleep entirely. Everyone tells me humans were meant to sleep at night, but that is not a trivial task to solve because i don't know how to change my behavior in a positive way for this particular issue.
The psychologist told me that depressed people tend to make, sometimes, the smallest things to accomplish feel like an insurmountable obstacle to overcome. I tend to do that a lot actually. An extreme example of this is that I know if I could go out a buy a notebook to keep track of my moods from day to day and some habitual things I do then I will have a lot more insight into what I do and that will allow me to change things. But going out to buy a notebook just seems like such a big task. So you see what I am saying that this is not healthy. Help?
So what's your experience and what has helped you actually do stuff that isn't a complete waste of time?
Some things that may help granted I can actually pull it off are/is primarily putting things in place so that I have a self-support system I make my own to use so that I can accomplish different, more productive things. Its a really good idea to put timers on things, use sticky notes and the like to help stay on task with things that actually matter, but I can never bring myself to actually put these self-support systems in place.
I am seeing a psychologist currently and it's been helpful and seeing him keeps me staying mindful of these issues. However, it seems no matter what support I get I never end up really changing behavior long term. I will say sleep has been a constant issue for me - either I am getting outrageous amounts of sleep (20 hours in some cases), or I will go a good 36 hours without sleep entirely. Everyone tells me humans were meant to sleep at night, but that is not a trivial task to solve because i don't know how to change my behavior in a positive way for this particular issue.
The psychologist told me that depressed people tend to make, sometimes, the smallest things to accomplish feel like an insurmountable obstacle to overcome. I tend to do that a lot actually. An extreme example of this is that I know if I could go out a buy a notebook to keep track of my moods from day to day and some habitual things I do then I will have a lot more insight into what I do and that will allow me to change things. But going out to buy a notebook just seems like such a big task. So you see what I am saying that this is not healthy. Help?
So what's your experience and what has helped you actually do stuff that isn't a complete waste of time?