@ your questions about the Myers-Briggs system: by itself it's no more than an unscientific indication of one's personality traits.
If we boil it down to Jungian cognitive functions, then it's a very different matter. Apparently we all have four main functions (Ti/Ne/Si/Fe in our case), which we use consciously (the remaining four are used unconsciously). Of our four main functions, two give us energy (Ti/Ne) while two drain it (Si/Fe). The four-letter system used by the MBTI can indicate the order of these functions, and is used for that.
Because all we have in common is our hierarchy of functions, INTPs can be very different. As we grow and are exposed to the world, our functions can manifest and develop in different ways. So just because you and intuitivet don't have the same mannerisms doesn't mean you don't have the same order of functions.
Disclaimer: I could be wrong in what I'm saying, but the above is my understanding of it.
Anyway, I think you're an INTP. I'm not great at reading people though, the possible interpretations always seem endless.