Re: Which type of INTP are you?
That's a Judgement trait. You can be INTP acting out of character. Only Guardians (SJ) maintain a reality schemata.
High level Perceivers say:
There's a Hole in Reality through which We Can Look if We Wish (John Steinbeck)
ALDOUS HUXLEY The substitution of simple intellectual schemata for the complexities of reality. ISAIAH BERLIN History is reducible to a natural science or a metaphysical or theological schema. E. H. GOMBRICH The schemata and patterns an artist has learned to handle.
You take the attitude that if you aren't any of those INTP subtypes then it rules you out of being INTP. THAT is why you're out of touch with reality- whatever logic system you use it's not one I'm familiar with. (Heh: maybe we can have a new MBTI judging-function. Thinking, Feeling, peRseus. I'm typing you now: You're INRP, "The Dodo bird".)
Usually I would just ignore what you said... but I actively disagree with everything involved here. An acceptable way to share these subtypes with us would have been "haha, look at some subtypes someone wrote about INTPs".
Taking it from a literal "oh, you must be one of these subtypes" is the wrong attitude. And even if these subtypes are true, they're not helpful to us because they're all negatively focused! Really, just re-read them again.
I can almost fit into a few of the types, and I resent the assumptions that go along with it. I was bullied in elementary school, and maybe I was "crushed" a little because in the follow middle and high school I was very quiet and shy. And recently I've been getting into religion- someone who took those subtypes would cast me as #4 (Religious Fanatic) and ridicule my situation and my inability to rationalize with the real world.
That document was written for all the wrong reasons. I'm surprised you didn't see that.
And even more... you were applying non-INTP types to these subtypes? It's really like you're picking and chosing when to apply the MBTI, and you're applying them on different levels. It's absurd.