Mandatory welfare can exist in a stable mutualistic state, but I do not believe it is efficient to do so. At this moment in time I think it very wise to be thinking of ways we can tighten our belts, or invest in ways so that we do not need to. The governing forces seem to be digging graves for all of us, and while it would be nice to have limitless resources to distribute as we see fit, this is not the case, as will be more than apparent in the future.
It would be largely correlated with proximity. Orphans are capable of repaying the debt they incur. If they are left starving on the streets then there is no debt to repay. By caring for them and allowing them opportunity, is it not too much to ask to have them become productive members of society? Perhaps they should help take care of the next generation of orphans?
How would I determine if someone deserves support? If you want to support them, you do so. My criteria would include the capacity for them to care for themselves and others at a later date.
If the people don’t require help then they are not part of the equation. Who cares if they don’t contribute if they don’t owe anything?
How do I know if someone has pulled their weight? I don’t. You make an educated guess as to whether or not they have the capacity to, and then direct your support in such a way as to have them achieve independence. If you think George who has Down’s syndrome has the ability to one day support himself, then he is a better investment of your resources than say Tommy with Cerebral Palsy who has both mental and physical disabilities who (in this instance) will never be able to say the same.
Even then, it’s my investment. If I have a particular fondness for Tommy I can choose to support him regardless. All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t be able to force me to make what I would consider a malinvestment.
The unfairness inherent in this proposed system is not artificial or subjective. It is simply non-interference with natural processes. The whole euthanasia thing is a side not, it’s an attachment to the model to help mitigate an unfortunate side effect (painful death by starvation).
As previously mentioned, my position cares little for the actual euthanasia side of things. It is peripheral. The main idea is that there doesn’t need to be administration for you to let people die. There doesn’t need to be anyone making decisions for other people. Compassion will still be a force in the world, but it will be true compassion, not the realisation of personal values through force.
My opinion on eugenics:
The ideas behind eugenics are largely out dated. There are some less invasive methods that could be used to improve the gene pool, such as free vasectomies, but the implementation of large scale eugenic policies is little more than a twisted dream. It pretty much requires a fascist regime to be effective, and the selective processes are unerringly slow. The benefits could not conceivably outweigh the costs, so while it’s fun to think about, it’s entirely idealistic and naïve to actually support a militant eugenic policy.