Considering that one of those who typed you on that forum was VH, I would not take it seriously.
His grasp on typology is limited, understanding basic fundamentals in theory that are generally accepted and using those to back up and make appear reasonable his bias judgements, his over-generalities, and his bullying. He only wants to
look in control and powerful, and on the INFJ forum, where most of the members would rather dish out compliments than correct him, is exactly where he can thrive, especially due to how they feed his ego and believe his every word simply because he knows enough of the basics to make it look like his further claims could be plausible.
Any member he thinks is rude or that he doesn't approve of he refuses to admit is INFJ, and because he's particularly adverse to Ti he tends towards typing those that especially annoy him as Ti Dominants.
Of course, I believe he's an ENFJ, hence Inferior Ti.
- - - -
That aside, I don't believe you're INTP
(though I won't go into what type I think you are for now), but, as I post so minimally on forums and present little of my theories except those which I want to test, there's not much reason to believe what I'm claiming either.