cackling in the trenches
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While replying to "Scientific & Historical Exploration of Cultures, Religions, & the Sexes" I stumbled upon the notion that a matriarchal culture would actually be better for society, and I'm going to explore that here because there's already way too much going on back there.
A matriarchal society is one in which instead of men being in charge women are in charge, which isn't terribly interesting because we already have women in positions and it doesn't appear to affect them much differently than it does men.
More interesting is a matriarchal culture now to explain what that is consider the differences in how our culture treats men and women, even in many secular libertarian cultures women aren't allowed to publicly exposed their breasts. We've all got nipples and although men generally don't have mammary glands (which are on the inside) and some women are flat and the rule still applies, clearly the rule is solely related to gender and has nothing to do with breasts. Instead it has everything to do with how breasts affect men, an effect that is being intentionally suppressed, indeed there's no hiding the fact this is rooted in religion (the source of everything terrible it seems) and religious people will admit it has everything to do with enforcing standards of modesty, in other words suppressing female sexuality.
Consider Islam, extremely patriarchal, extremely focused on "modesty" and yet your average Muslim will still go to strip clubs and purchase pornography because this modesty has nothing to do with them, it's enforcing the modesty of women that's important, but why? I think it's because women have a power over men and the men in charge don't want their power threatened, I suspect our patriarchal culture is actually an unnatural state of affairs hence society's apparent "degeneration" into immodesty and allowing women ever more power and prominence. Now that religion is losing its sway to science and education we've begun the process of returning to our natural state, to a matriarchal culture.
Let me show you what I envision and you tell me how realistic it sounds.
Probably the most fundamental thing is that in a matriarchal culture it is normal for women to give "orders" to men, the man can refuse but it's considered rude to do so unless he has some particular reason. Men still have rights of course, a woman can't just demand a man's wallet or ask him to do something illegal, if anything it's more like the power women already have over men but the difference is they're more comfortable using it. To the men in the audience if a random woman asked you (nicely) to escort her to the nearest police station or help carry her groceries to her car would you refuse? The more patriarchal of you might refuse on principle after all who is this woman and what authority does she have to make demands of you, but then again there's a part of you that likes to be helpful even if there's no reason to and that's why I believe just as many if not more would agree.
In this hypothetical world such requests happen all the time and far from being bothered by it men take pride in it, some deep part of us likes to be useful, we like clear directives, we're goal orientated, moreover if the person making the request is an attractive woman that's a nice ego boost. Indeed I can see men being distressed if they aren't regularly called upon and there being a certain hierarchy among men based on who is most popular with the ladies, as already exists to some extent.
But how did women get such incredible sway? There's two parts to it, the first is that they became comfortable with giving directives, a lot of interactions between men and women in our world suffer for a lack of adequate communication, the woman may only want to make out for its own sake, the man misinterprets it as a prelude to sex, anger is essentially broken/unmet expectations for without expectations there can be no anger. Adequate communication would be the woman telling the man in no uncertain terms what she wants (to make out) and what she doesn't want (to have sex) and most importantly asking him to agree to those terms, setting his expectations appropriately and from this he knows she's not playing games with him.
I think the reason women struggle with this straightforward communication is that they've been taught throughout their lives to suppress their sexuality resulting in them dropping hints and speaking in roundabout ways rather than stating plainly what they want, much less setting terms to agreed to. That segues us neatly into the second part, women in this hypothetical world aren't sexually repressed at all, they feel no more shame in performing sexual acts then well adjusted men do (precisely none), they do what they want, when they want and with whomever they want, consent allowing of course.
So when hanging out with women comes with the prospect of being given or asked to perform sexual favors on a whim you had better bloody believe that's men will want to do all the time and since women can obviously choose who they associate with there is ample motivation for men to do whatever they're told (within reason) so long as the requests aren't too demanding and they don't find themselves being ignored. Furthermore I imagine men in this world being a lot happier, relaxed and overall psychologically healthy because they're doing what men are clearly designed to do, what are all our fantasies if not being told what to do (given a quest) and carrying it out to appease a woman (rescue the damsel). Back in our hunter gatherer days the women who are the center of the tribe would request things and the men would carry them out, it wasn't a matter of who was in charge it was who knew what needed to be done and who was going to do it.
I think where patriarchies succeeded in our world is that they put us in a mindset that allowed our leaders to send us off to kill each other, to starve us of affection, to rob women of their power and their stabilizing influence, to get young men signing their lives away in droves just for a chance to "prove themselves", to who, and why?
A matriarchal society is one in which instead of men being in charge women are in charge, which isn't terribly interesting because we already have women in positions and it doesn't appear to affect them much differently than it does men.
More interesting is a matriarchal culture now to explain what that is consider the differences in how our culture treats men and women, even in many secular libertarian cultures women aren't allowed to publicly exposed their breasts. We've all got nipples and although men generally don't have mammary glands (which are on the inside) and some women are flat and the rule still applies, clearly the rule is solely related to gender and has nothing to do with breasts. Instead it has everything to do with how breasts affect men, an effect that is being intentionally suppressed, indeed there's no hiding the fact this is rooted in religion (the source of everything terrible it seems) and religious people will admit it has everything to do with enforcing standards of modesty, in other words suppressing female sexuality.
Consider Islam, extremely patriarchal, extremely focused on "modesty" and yet your average Muslim will still go to strip clubs and purchase pornography because this modesty has nothing to do with them, it's enforcing the modesty of women that's important, but why? I think it's because women have a power over men and the men in charge don't want their power threatened, I suspect our patriarchal culture is actually an unnatural state of affairs hence society's apparent "degeneration" into immodesty and allowing women ever more power and prominence. Now that religion is losing its sway to science and education we've begun the process of returning to our natural state, to a matriarchal culture.
Let me show you what I envision and you tell me how realistic it sounds.
Probably the most fundamental thing is that in a matriarchal culture it is normal for women to give "orders" to men, the man can refuse but it's considered rude to do so unless he has some particular reason. Men still have rights of course, a woman can't just demand a man's wallet or ask him to do something illegal, if anything it's more like the power women already have over men but the difference is they're more comfortable using it. To the men in the audience if a random woman asked you (nicely) to escort her to the nearest police station or help carry her groceries to her car would you refuse? The more patriarchal of you might refuse on principle after all who is this woman and what authority does she have to make demands of you, but then again there's a part of you that likes to be helpful even if there's no reason to and that's why I believe just as many if not more would agree.
In this hypothetical world such requests happen all the time and far from being bothered by it men take pride in it, some deep part of us likes to be useful, we like clear directives, we're goal orientated, moreover if the person making the request is an attractive woman that's a nice ego boost. Indeed I can see men being distressed if they aren't regularly called upon and there being a certain hierarchy among men based on who is most popular with the ladies, as already exists to some extent.
But how did women get such incredible sway? There's two parts to it, the first is that they became comfortable with giving directives, a lot of interactions between men and women in our world suffer for a lack of adequate communication, the woman may only want to make out for its own sake, the man misinterprets it as a prelude to sex, anger is essentially broken/unmet expectations for without expectations there can be no anger. Adequate communication would be the woman telling the man in no uncertain terms what she wants (to make out) and what she doesn't want (to have sex) and most importantly asking him to agree to those terms, setting his expectations appropriately and from this he knows she's not playing games with him.
I think the reason women struggle with this straightforward communication is that they've been taught throughout their lives to suppress their sexuality resulting in them dropping hints and speaking in roundabout ways rather than stating plainly what they want, much less setting terms to agreed to. That segues us neatly into the second part, women in this hypothetical world aren't sexually repressed at all, they feel no more shame in performing sexual acts then well adjusted men do (precisely none), they do what they want, when they want and with whomever they want, consent allowing of course.
So when hanging out with women comes with the prospect of being given or asked to perform sexual favors on a whim you had better bloody believe that's men will want to do all the time and since women can obviously choose who they associate with there is ample motivation for men to do whatever they're told (within reason) so long as the requests aren't too demanding and they don't find themselves being ignored. Furthermore I imagine men in this world being a lot happier, relaxed and overall psychologically healthy because they're doing what men are clearly designed to do, what are all our fantasies if not being told what to do (given a quest) and carrying it out to appease a woman (rescue the damsel). Back in our hunter gatherer days the women who are the center of the tribe would request things and the men would carry them out, it wasn't a matter of who was in charge it was who knew what needed to be done and who was going to do it.
I think where patriarchies succeeded in our world is that they put us in a mindset that allowed our leaders to send us off to kill each other, to starve us of affection, to rob women of their power and their stabilizing influence, to get young men signing their lives away in droves just for a chance to "prove themselves", to who, and why?