What im saying is 2+2=4 is not an objective "truth".
It is just our mental interpretation of why combining 2 pairs of apples weighs the same as 4 individual apples.
Sounds gibberish, but what we think of as objective truths are just ways to interpret occurances around us in the system.
That might be. 2+2=4, is not about anything in particular.
What would the world be, if there was no arithmetic, no algebra, no geometry, and no calculus? Almost all of our modern science proves results using maths. Without it, modern science would have no conclusions, nothing useful to say. Almost all of our modern technology is based on arithmetic, algebra, geometry and calculus, including all of Turing's work on computers and the design of computers. What would our world be like, if there were no computers, no internet, no mobile phones, no TVs, no cars, no trucks, no buses, no trains, no airplanes, and no supermarkets with food stocked from those trucks? We'd still be in an agricultural society without the benefits of quantitative science.
Also, math only works on correlations, not causations so there's that. Math is just a system of crrelations, which means it is just a means of interpretations- and as such cannot give any causations to any phenomena and thus incapable of finding any truths or accurately predicting anything objectively...
The difference between a correlation and a causation is PROOF. Causations have proofs, that prove the cause causes the effect. Correlations do not. All of maths requires solid proof. Anything that doesn't have solid proof in maths, is considered only a
conjecture, even if empirically, the evidence shows that it is clearly true. Correlations in maths are irrelevant. Only things that can be proved to be causations are valid in maths. New theorems in maths, take correlations and show which of them are causations.
So, yea math is just a language to understand statistics. But it isnt superior to any other language, and is only equally effective & useless in finding any causation whatsoever.
The symbols of maths are just a form of notation. One can teach maths in English, without most symbolic language. A few of my university courses were taught this way. The symbolic notation is more efficient, as what can take 3 sentences to say in English, can be said in 3 symbols in mathematical notation.