the manosphere* is about lamenting the state of the world. it's not derogatory toward women outside of a vulgar evaluation of its (blatantly true) theoretical explanations derived from sexual selection. it is not comparable to racism because racism is primarily a structural oppression resulting from xenophobia, and only secondarily the contents of prejudice and blame by which this operates. these people who live in the manosphere are not capable of oppressing. they are themselves fringe creatures, their opinions taboo and disgusting to majority. their opinions cannot functionally constitute sexism.
Nature may hold a certain primacy, but humans function in a complex social context, ideals and what is considered attractive varies. Sure, the attributes which nature promotes are not as fleeting as those which we nurture through culture, but that doesn't mean that culture is any less powerful at a given time. Moreover adaptibility is a standout trait of the human species, this has implications which are ignored by the manosphere's selectively chosen biological data. Adaptibility means that the value of traits will wary. The manosphere ignores this, it needs to be dogmatic to fulfill its purpose. Because of this it loses its ability to convey its valid content. The manosphere does promote sexism, its not only the shunned fringe creatures which carry these views. They did not originate from an interpretation of darwin, they absorded darwin. Although proportionally few of the denizens of the manosphere are capable of sexism in real life that is not to say that none are; furthermore, they spread vitriol and hatred online and that is not insignificant today. It seems to me that you admit their crime but downplay its severity. I'm not really interested in the severity. I'm interested in the fact that there is indeed a crime.
The manosphere is comparable to racism not in proportion but in principle. The manosphere has targets, these are jocky males and pretty much all females. They are considered primitive and rulebound, easily summed up with a few simple principles derived from a misinterpretation of biology. How is this not similar to racism again? They took our *guess what to insert*!
the manosphere points out irrationality in female mating preferences, well in the whole reproductive system really. i think the manosphere is an intriguing critical impulse which may be pivotal in overcoming the bio-norm, along with transsexuality.
Yeah, the manosphere is part of an ongoing analysis of gender and sexuality and it might develop into something more positive if it can take what it has going for it while leaving the dogmatism that springs from the fact that it is in purpose essentially a collective defense mechanism moreso than a body of thought, as the latter has sprung from the first. Currently I don't see the manosphere doing much to overcome bio-norms however, ironically it asserts a simplified and dogmatic version of them, which is not comparable to transsexualism which requires a more nuanced view of sex and gender to grasp.
i have a girlfriend and even if i didn't i wouldn't give a shit about stupid horny girls dissing me for someone maler but i sympathize with these guys anyway. they are underdogs and they expose the repressed sensations of collective humanity.
If you have no luck with women the right thing to do is not to group up and pigeonhole women and sexuality into a system which perpetuates your failures, even if some of the basis for said system is valuable. You don't make your life all about your failure to attract women, you don't consciously spend a bunch time reinforcing said beliefs by seeking out others with the same belief; thereby, donning a worldview within which there is no hope and you will always remain the victim of circumstances which are outside of your control. It's like spending your day repeating a mantra saying "I am shit, the world sucks, nothing has meaning", it's not constructive, it's slightly pathetic, because everyone struggles, but some overcome, and they do so by trying and failing, by experiencing the negative emotions you over and over until they learn to deal with them in a rational way. Ergo they get out and try and fail until they learn, it sucks but that's life. The manosphere knows this too, that's why they need to project and blame, that's why they can't settle for the fact that nature hasn't dealt them a favorable hand in regards to their ability to attract mates, and blow it up into utter hopelessness. Such an interpretation is just as bad as what you'll find among many feminists.
The manosphere is
not constructive, it does not focus on solutions, and its theory is simple and has stagnated long ago. There is no development of anything. It's denizens have taken upon them the role of the perpetual victim. Wherever there's a victim someone is to blame, and so they can project their failures unto the external in order that they needn't recognize the extent of their own part in the matter, thus that which they find is to blame must be blown out of proportion in order that the misery they suffer may have a counterpart. This is what the manosphere is about, and its why it fails. It is also recognized intuitively by those which are not part of it which is a part of why it is met with such scorn along with the fact that it challenges prevailing norms.
Besides, what does not in a sense, expose the repressed sensations of collective humanity?
@Bock: Thank you for illustrating another issue. The manosphere asserts a false dichotomy wherein critisizing it means you are automatically guilty of being a feminist warrior. I have this thing I try to do which is about not choosing sides but to instead try and see things the way I think makes sense. Of course this has the effect of making me the enemy of both feminists and the mano' crew which insist on making it an us vs them battle.
I don't know what your point is with the american dream. You gotta try harder man.