Does every MBTI have a loop?
The Ni Fi loop is something that I’ve been aware of for INTJs.
I might be in a ni fi loop. I can’t really tell.
I did a bunch of things today and became exhausted physically but not mentally.
Te doesn’t seem to always be helpful to “stop” the loop.
Do INTPs loop? What is your experience like looping?
You can certainly be depressed and be functioning that it does not warrant a clinical response.
I think what you have is a mild depression if you are in a loop.
It happens when we end up in situations we don't like or have to make decisions that we don't like or we are in circumstances we have to endure and we become repressed mildly.
What it means is you went through something that your mind did not like generally speaking.
You did not figure out how to deal with it, and therefore it became repressed.
Simply put, when significant things are outside of our control, we tend to repress it.
It can happen purely on subconscious level so you end up in a loop.
Realistically the best way is to go back and reflect where you felt uncomfortable most lately and figure out
The reasons for repressing this might be you might feel its not something you can change or address at the moment.
But, becoming consciously aware of it, can help you figure out what it is, and maybe address it in future when it comes up.
There might be part of you that knows its something that cannot change and has recurring pattern.
9 times out of 10 its got something to do with people.
INTJs and INTPs tend to intellectualize and withdraw a lot in case of loops.
Lots of thinking and no action.