Wow, lots to say.
For half baked thoughts, I rarely do it, except on this forum(and others if I was on any), because our forums branch so quickly if I don't get it out at that moment, I may miss it entirely, and then it wouldn't make sense. My only real hope is that I already have the thought formed when I read about it on here.
For books, I do like them, but I get bored quickly, I am generally very good at seeing where things are going quickly, and for a long time I didn't read. Those two things together means I'm trying to get back into reading, but I see where the story is going after about half way/three quarters, and I get bored, and I try to tell myself it will explode with awesome, but I just have a hard time picking back up where I left off.
I also don't get that "established" feel, that's not why I am on here, to tell everyone else they're wrong, I am here to learn about new ideas that are important (or not), that are worth knowing and may change the way I think about things, thats the point of my being here, to change, not be "established." I just don't want to be torn apart when my idea has a minor flaw, so I try to give it a base
And for Starfruit M.E.'s example of boring writing, that is exactly why I don't write much. For creative stories, all my papers always look like that, there's no fun inside, but I have a hard time creating fun, so it's a dry hunk of dirt instead