However, I have realized something many many years ago; being intelligent is nothing special. Just as being physically attractive and fit. Stealing a quote from a movie 'we are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world'.
Your inabilities in the emotional sphere do not stem from your "high intelligence". In all circumstances they stem from your insecurities about yourself. What are you insecure about?
I disagree with you. Intelligence is far more important than anything else in the world. What does looking good get you? Temporary fame, money, and paparazzi. What are those things worth? Does it matter if you fit in and people like you? Is money truly that important? It seems important because we live in a capitalistic, greedy society in which money and the love of it dominates mind and soul, but it's truthfully not that important. It's just paper with numbers on it. We need it to live off of, only because our society demands it, but no one, and I am using an absolute statement, no single person needs billions upon billions of dollars for any reason.
But intelligence, that is a beautiful thing. Truthfully, money is worthless, and no amount of it could pay for intelligence. It the most important thing a man could have. Empires were built by the strategic genius of generals, technology created by pure ingenuity. The world was shaken when it was discovered that something could not be made out of nothing, when it was discovered that the world is not less than 10000 years old, when Einstein proposed the general theory of relativity that changed the landscape of how we view physics and the world, when Oppenheimer successfully created the first atomic bomb. People who are intelligent rewrite history, and are at the forefront of it. Do you think good looks or money has ever fixed any of the problems in the world? Oh, I suppose money, true, but it requires intelligence to know how and what to use it for.
Honestly, I just don't like people going "you're not an INTP if...", but I'll take your post at face value. You do realise that not all INTPs are the same, right?
My point is, an INTP might think lack of social skills as a problem, for multiple reasons. A very simple reason is that I can hardly imagine any country or culture where loners are seen as role models. Heck, with the advent of sites like Facebook, some people even feel better about themselves simply becomes of the number of contacts they have.
Another easy point would be how numbers is strenght in many, many things.
Sure, an INTP might not feel like having poor social skills is a problem, but it's easy to imagine how one could conclude rationally that it is. Hell, I think it's a problem. I do however enjoy the fact that I don't need to be constantly surrounded by people who approve me to be happy with myself, but the fact that I have a hard time connecting with people, even if they interest me, is definetely not a good thing.
Yeah, I understand perfectly what you're saying. I truly don't perceive my lack of desire and inability to form meaningful relationships a very bad thing. And I don't think it will cause me any problems down the road. But we shall see.
My nature revolves around being nonsocial. I am not good with people, I get anxious whenever I am around too many, and I am better at writing than talking. So I just don't see it as a problem and it works well with me. I don't even really
want a relationship. Even among other INTP's, though, I'm sure that notion is very odd. However, I'm sure there are a few like that. Or maybe I have some sort of nonsocial mental disorder. Whatever.