so i'm thinkin' we go all out here and make some kind of religious cult with a complex social structure that places a council of INTPs at the top of the pyramid as the ruling demi-gods and each step down can include other personailty types from the ones we like most all the way down to the ESFJs who live on the outer ring of the community just next to the giant wall, and the further away from the middle you get the more work and less fun
so it's pretty much the freudal system except we replace the king at the top with a fictional god that is a metaphor for the collective genius of the INTP community, and there are more steps between the nobles (INTPS) and the peasants (unfavourable, exploitable SJs) and the coucil can decide where on the social ladder the others can be placed..
of course there'd have to be aptitude testing and stuff before we let anyone in and we'd have to get the proportions of personality types just right (and maybe have to include other types in the council of nobles)