Pod'lair does seem to be a very interesting theory, and I'm definitely going to check it out. Also, as for people being Objective and Subjective...I think that's also a part of (scientific method forbid) Socionics. Extroverts are supposedly objective and introverts are supposedly subjective. I wonder if that's also the way it is in Pod'lair. I'm going to refrain from talking about PL theory unless I'm learning something about it because I'm a complete noob at it.
Yeah, but wording it like "Extroverts are supposedly objective and introverts are supposedly subjective" can be kind of somantically trixy, just because "objective" tends to have other meanings of its own, like being Judicially Objective or unbiased. So I am not sure what they mean in Socionics if they word it like that, and would be hesitant to say they mean it the same way.
In Pod'Lair, having Subjective Cognitive Configuration means that your Configuration leads with a Cognitive Function that is Inherently Subjective, which ties to one's "inner world" in the sense that it has a highly personalized functionality, in other words, you could say that it speaks to us in a language that is unique to yourself. Then having an Objective Cognitive Configuration means that your Configuration leads with a Cognitive Function that is Inherently Objective, which ties to one's "Outer world" in the sense that it has a very Universal functionality, in other words, you could say that it speaks to us in a language that can be perceived and comprehended by all (Not necessarily interpreted with specific intention, but comprehended none the less).
To add to what Kibou was saying, with Pod'Lairs People Reading methods, we actually have observed that a person keeps the same Cognitive Configuration as infants and then till death, a person can be Read as baby, and then of course they can be read to have the same Configuration later in life.. That is just that natural law angle to this, it appears to be what is actually occurring.
Now here is the logical angle on it: With what we understand of Cognitive Configuration, it actually does not make sense that there would be a point in time when Cognitive Configuration was just amorphous and shapeless. As soon as you are born, you begin learning at lightning speeds, however, you actually need a Configuration to be already in place to actually learn, otherwise information could not be made sense off or processed in any way. They begin building an understanding of the world around them, but their Cognitive Configuration is composed of the tools that they need to build that understanding, so they would actually need it set in place in order to hit the ground running. So to answer part of your OP, it is actually not true that you develop one function at a time as you age, you actually have all Four Conscious Functions being used at a conscious level as soon as you are born. The Psyche simply would not work if it did not have Four Conscious Functions, they are all connected, and they all need each other to work. However, being that they are all conscious at the same time, does not mean that they are all equally conscious, and you can think of your Top Two Functions being closer to the foreground of the Psyche, while the Bottom to are closer to the Background of the Subconscious.
At this point, your Cognitive Configuration will then be subject to all kinds of external influences, that alter how you are using your Cognitive Configuration, not the configuration itself, just how you wield it, and how much trust and confidence you will have in certain parts of it. In others, development of the Psyche does not occur like Clockwork (This happens at age 5, that happens at age 12, etc), it occurs as you begin experiencing life, and it shapes differently depending on many things, some external, and some internal. It is not necessarily true that a person will always be Confident or skillful, or value the use of the Functions that they lead with, it all depends on the life they have lead thus far, and if they have been trained by the various influences in their life to distrust certain insights that they get from their Source, then will create a cycle of dismissing those insights. You can think of the "Personality" as the end result (Not only an external manifestation, but internal as well) of your Cognitive Configuration, you Gender, your Culture, your upbringing, and your Life experiences. It is not all defined by your Cognitive Configuration, it does some of the defining, but definitely not all of it.
This is why behavioral assumptions of MBTI and the other typology models are unreliable in identifying Cognitive Configuration, because it assumes everyone in a certain Configuration will behave like their stereotypical perception of that one, and it has no way of knowing when that is not the case. Something that you would need physical verification, and not a reliance on assumptions or stereotypes to do.
MBTI is still in the dark on all of this because you would actually need to be able to physically verify Cognitive Configuration to observe that it is occurring as soon as one is born. However, Jungian based Methodology has no other way of identifying Cognitive Functions in people, other than off of stereotyped behavioral assumptions, which will obviously not be seen until certain mature ages, and is not even a reliable way to Identify Cognitive Functionality in the first place, as it lacks physical and objective verifiability.