Does it mean we will be doomed around 7.7.14?Creation Date: 2007-07-07 01:15:00Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2014-07-07 01:15:00Z
The end is neigh!Does it mean we will be doomed around 7.7.14?
The end is neigh!
No noYeah it would probably be a good idea to take the burden off ragnar, he's been handling it for such a long time and doesn't even use this place any more (as far as I can see). If enough members could agree to a monthly subscription fee (which I don't imagine is even very expensive at all), I think we should just thank him for all he's done and take it upon the community. I for one, would be in, at least for a year (assuming it's less than 5-10 dollars a month per person).
Cooly. I'd be agreeable to throwing money at it, but what about the technicals? I know zero to nothing about that. Does Ragnar do it? Who has to be responsible for that?
No no, make him pay if he wants to. Just give him what we can gather to support. No reason to resign from his generosity when he is clearly needed.
I don't know how much he is investing already, but we could have a decent platfrom from 80+ $, from what it seems.
Given 400 active members, and 100$ maintenance, given at least 30% of them don't have an income, given the ones willing to pay (1%-99%~50%) we could have 140 users giving 0.72 $ monthly to have it done.I guess it all depends what the cost is.
Edit: looks to be of the order of 100-200 (max) dollars a year... perfectly manageable from within the forum, don't you think?
Bandwidth use exceeded it's limit which is similar to going over the limit of your phone plan. Sometimes it can be caused by heavy bot traffic. Or this site could just be really popular...
As far as most of us know, he could be on International Space Station. There is little reason to wait and little reason to decide where we cannot act, or where we even cannot generate the influence from our decisions, other than our need to express and understand.shouldn't we really be waiting for him to actually say something though?
As far as most of us know, he could be on International Space Station. There is little reason to wait and little reason to decide where we cannot act, or where we even cannot generate an influence from our decisions, other than our need to express and understand.
Discussing it or brainstorming a bit isn't that bad, don't you think? There need't be an outcome to this.
I'd recommend a few ideas.
For user support in my experience donation ware, even with dedicated fans, doesn't pay well unless there are millions of them. Instead have a "Donation" member status (like Premier on other sites). Donation members get access to extra forum features, some kind of recognition in their post masthead, and possibly even things like access to Donaters only forums. There should be levels of support, the poor kids can surely chip in $5 or $10 a year. Sure it's segregation but the only thing that would work I think. *
Two, I'd recommend as part of this upgrading the software, similar to what INTPComplex has done. That will cost money I think, but we should have some money to afford it. But an upgraded server should support features we can give out on a paying basis.
Three the forum should be moved to somebody who wants to be here for the longer haul.
* I've talked about writing the "AA" eBook - I'd donate that as a "members only" content for example.
All generally good ideas, although I'm leery of "donaters only" forums depending on what type of content is permitted there. It's too easy for main content to shift into what amounts to a private forum. (INTPComplex, which you bring up, is leery even of the regular Groups function for that very reason.)
I think a nice shiny donator's badge is all that is necessary...
I think it is the fact that people identify and sympathize with the scumbag Elliot Rodger like they have something important to prove but are simultaneously unable and unwilling to see that his views on women and sex were totally fucked up and the cause of his despicable actions. Views which can be seen all over the web including here.
I think any segregation is a bad idea.
Noooooooooooo!!!Perhaps there is a way to make this a republic?
A dictatorship or monarchy, nothing democratic.
[in response to Cherry]
...multiplied by the irony that anyone here who empathizes with him would have still been mowed down by him as likely as others, as at the end he didn't really care who he hurt, driving pell-mell down the highway of bitterness and rage.
We all have our reasons and we all still make our choices. I've studied a lot of murder cases, and there might be things in there I can identify with, but for those without a bona fide mental infirmity, at some point we make decisions to take one path over another, long before any outward crimes occur.
Indeed, if only he had the power he would've created "mountains of skulls and rivers of blood".
He could've totally played the role of Geoffrey in GOT though, it's a shame he didn't audition for it.
Citizens of the world. Beware of aliens ... and the banned.A dictatorship or monarchy, nothing democratic.
Rome fell BECAUSE it was a republic!Nonsense. Rome must be a republic again!
... does this displease you?
Rome fell BECAUSE it was a republic!
Rome, the Congo, Star Wars, republics never work!
EDIT: Wait, who merged two different threads? jeesum creesum.
what's your problem? - it makes perfect sense.
jeesum does indeed work in mysterious ways.
Guys and gals,
I sent a brief msg to Ragnar referencing this thread.
I'd recommend a few ideas.
Two, I'd recommend as part of this upgrading the software, similar to what INTPComplex has done. That will cost money I think, but we should have some money to afford it. But an upgraded server should support features we can give out on a paying basis.
Keeping the gray/dark skin is one of the easiest things to be done. Pretty much any free generic forum has a variety of skins at your disposal and it definitely can be set up or reset to the right one. We even should get more skins from the list or get to make "custom" coloured skins as seen on other forums.Ragnar mentioned something about upgrading the software before (that it was too complicated to keep the features?) I would look into that. But I wouldn't like to lose the skin as that would kill the whole aesthetic, a generic forum layout would really suck.
Oh c'mon I didn't know the bandwidth had been exceeded and everybody who cares already knows when it happened, this was the first and only helpful thread, all the others were imitations on the theme of misunderstanding the title.As I've said before, making vague threads like this isn't helpful and should probably be left to the staff, although nobody seems to listen, and then afterwards we have to merge threads and clean stuff up. So, if you insist on making these kinds of threads the least you can do is create a more pertinent and descriptive title.