Black Rose
An unbreakable bond
What makes humans moral or not is reasoning in some way.
ok, so now we're back to "humans are not animals" ?
p1: animals can't be evil
p2: humans are not evil because humans are animals
p3: humans have a rational function
p4: animals do not have a rational function (except for dolphins and apes and crows)
p5: a rational function makes moral intuition valid
p6: moral frameworks are perfectly rational
c1: humans can be evil because they are rational and make moral decisions
please let me know specifically which parts of this you rationally agree with
please let me know specifically which parts of this you rationally disagree with
p1: animals can't be evil
if evil does not exist then no
p2: humans are not evil because humans are animals
no, because evil is not a valid concept when thinking in terms of what a person is.
a person has a form and a form in an environment causes other forms to interact under those conditions.
p3: humans have a rational function
true, but humans have values, values are what we use to equate one thing with another and prioritize those objects. a human is valued so far as what they do and what they do is based on the form they have taken in reality and what this form does to other humans in reality
p4: animals do not have a rational function (except for dolphins and apes and crows)
this would imply humans do not have metabolisms which is incorrect
humans eat things
p5: a rational function makes moral intuition valid
emotions are rational but sometimes they hinder us from understanding consequences we would otherwise get from other functions. both need to work together to correctly evaluate subjects and objects.
p6: moral frameworks are perfectly rational
no, not when we consider emotions as irrational
emotions can make us unable to function in extreme conditions.
emotions help us function but in non-extreme conditions.
emotions are the first part of the human evaluation system.
c1: humans can be evil because they are rational and make moral decisions
humans can think what they do is good or evil yet sometimes they are delusional.
the human mind is not all-knowing, it must operate within limits.
what makes people moral or not is the ability to reflect on the consequences of other beings in reality, what is good in the view that the benefits outweigh the costs when making value judgments. what is the worth of any human being and what should be done to secure their wellbeing in comparison to myself and others.
no object/subject would be seen as totally evil unless its value was absolutely negative. thus evil is relative not absolute making evil a non-valid concept, no being or object is absolute in any negative sense. all subjects are seen as worth something so evil would just be an abstraction from what is relative and that means all things that create negative benefits overall.