Creepy Clown Chick
Here is a true story which is an example of why I don't:
An old woman nearing retirement age (beloved by all in the company; she had worked there her entire life) was walking out from the office one day carrying a large box. Some ice had built up around the exterior pathway immediately in front of the exterior door. She slipped and cracked her head on the door. As she was falling the box was tossed in the air and a short moment after she landed on her back on the ice the box landed on her ribs, knocking the wind out of her.
Upon hearing the commotion, I, along with a handful of others, exited my office and came to survey the scene.
She was obviously a little banged up but otherwise unharmed.
Desiring to assuage the obvious embarrassment felt by the old woman, I blurted out my first thought, "That was a nasty tumble. I sure hope the door is alright."
She immediately burst into tears, fled the scene and locked herself in the bathroom.