Egads. Low level, no education needed, dead end jobs are probably the most likely thing to wittle you to suck the life out of you.
However, lazy and idiotic co-workers whose behavior affects your own job performance is going to be a lifelong battle. I have never worked a job where there was not at least one lazy or stupid asshole. Learn strategies for dealing with it now while working inconsequential jobs and you'll be better able to deal with it later in life with jobs that are more important. I don't mean to be jaded here. Learning to deal with it now really will help you avoid anxiety issues in the future.
I think you've got a few choices here: Confront the lazy co-workers with a basic "dude do your shit" sort of conversation (it might be awkward and there might be bitchy consequences). You might be surprised at how well that tactic works though. You could learn to live with it and avoid working shifts with the lazy co-workers in question. Neither of those two choices are perfect and they both cause their own anxiety. I've gone with the avoidance option most of the time but that isn't always the best option. Avoidance works in the short run but causes its own problems in the future. Finding a way of training your co-workers in such a way as to fix your problems might work. However, you might find they just don't give a damn. You could pick up their slack but you'd overwork yourself. That isn't always feasible and they aren't worth it anyway.
I have confronted them on multiple occasions, and, surprisingly, it seems to be slowly working. I'm perfectly willing to work with people who dislike me if they just
do their jobs. It's not too much to ask. Every time I catch them doing it (which only happens, regrettably, when things aren't going quickly enough for it to be an issue, anyway) I make a point of calling them out on it, and they
do seem to be improving. And to avoid an anxiety overload, I've asked for reduced work hours. (Right now, that translates as working fewer days, but I would prefer to work four to five hours a day five days a week to working three, eight hour workdays.